life is not complete

Lesly 2022-04-23 07:01:03

I have always believed that life is all about going through various attempts, experiencing various heights, and increasing your knowledge. It includes traveling to places with different customs, experiencing the development of scientific and technological civilization, understanding various cultural knowledge and so on. We don't have to be proficient in all disciplines, but we need to know what human beings have done in the long history, how small we are, but what great achievements we have.

For example, we don't need to know who Linghu Chong, Xiao Feng, Li Xunhuan, etc. are, but we need to know what martial arts are. Putting it here means that you can dislike movies, but you can't help but know about science fiction movies. If you want to appreciate the charm of science fiction movies, you really have to watch this "Interstellar".

Everyone's preferences are different. Maybe I find this film passionate, but you think it's boring. But a film with a smooth narrative and twists and turns is already worthy of three stars anyway. So I don't want to say whether the guys who have already made it are too popular, and I think this film is also worthy of applause, I want to say that those who have rated one or two stars, you really have no feelings.

It's not like some people say, people with low IQ can't watch it and don't like it. I don't think so. It is people who have no feelings and no thinking who do not like this type of film. Therefore, people should think about where they came from and where they are going, and they should have a heart for the true feelings of others. They should live peacefully with a magnificent heart.

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Interstellar quotes

  • Young Murph: Dad?

    Cooper: Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed.

    Young Murph: I thought you were the ghost.

    Cooper: There are no such things as ghosts, babe.

    Young Murph: Grandpa says you can get ghosts.

    Cooper: Maybe that's because Grandpa is a little too close to being one himself. Go back to bed.

  • Brand: Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. Just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.