An imaginative and stirring epic from Christopher Nolan

Letha 2022-04-21 09:01:07

"Interstellar" is director Christopher Nolan's imaginative and stirring epic that is as much a fanatical Frankenstein dream as it is an awe-inspiring meditation on the nature of humanity.

As Nolan's ninth film to direct, his visual and conceptual efforts make the film easier to understand than his previous Inception and Batman franchises, as it deals with parenting for their children. Sacrifice (and vice versa), and the eternal themes of leaving a better world for our next generation.

It's a great project that embodies director Nolan's boundless cinematic wit and charisma , and reaffirms his status as the top director of his generation. Despite some scientific holes in the movie, "Interstellar" still holds its own among Hollywood sci-fi classics like "Encounter of the Third Kind," "2001 Sky Odyssey," and "Gravity."

The film begins with an in-picture flashback of an old woman who says her father Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) was a farmer , like almost everyone at the time, but he was a NASA astronaut before. We also see Murphy (McKenzie Foy) walk into Cooper's room as a child and ask him if he had dreamed of a crash. Murphy thinks there are "ghosts" in the house, but Cooper doesn't.

Next comes a vast and spectacular landscape created by Nolan, made up of crops and cornfields, and buzzing harvesters . However, because of the extremely bad environment of the earth at that time, the yellow sand was everywhere, and the crops all suffered from blight one after another. This is already one of the few grain producing areas. Cooper also became a farmer because of this.

Cooper also lives with his 15-year-old son Tom (Timothy Chalamet) and husband Donald (John Lithgow) . Cooper drove the children to school and then needed to see the children's teachers. They end up with a flat tire halfway through, and Tom also mocks Murphy as "Murphy's Law" (a bad thing), but Cooper explains to Murphy that naming her means "possibility". In fact, this is a theme that runs through the film.

When Cooper got out of the car to change the tires, he saw a drone flying overhead. He immediately jumped into the car to chase, and they crossed the vast cornfield and followed to a lake. Cooper then asked Murphy to try controlling the drone with the device, and they succeeded, the drone had enough batteries to last them "ten years ." Nolan did not explain much about the origin of drones.

Cooper meets the children's principal (David Oyelowo) and Murphy's teacher, Ms. Kelly (Colette Wolfe). The principal showed Cooper Tom's exam results and said he would make a great farmer, although Cooper said Tom would make a great engineer, but the grades didn't seem to prove it.

Kelly then showed Cooper a textbook that Murphy had brought to show the other children. It was a federal textbook banned by the school because the school believed the Apollo program was a fake to bankrupt the Soviet Union. Cooper was not satisfied with his daughter's education, mentioning that if his wife hadn't died, she would have been there. But Murphy was eventually suspended and returned home .

At this point, Cooper got a call saying that all the tractors were automatically running around the house . Possibly some kind of gravitational pull.

The next day, the family went to a baseball game. The crowd then saw a huge dust storm approaching . Cooper hurriedly drove the family home, wearing protective masks. At this point Murphy realized the window in her room was still open, so she and Cooper ran upstairs to close the window. But the floor was covered with thick, thin parallel lines made of dust. Cooper analyzes their time coordinates and determines where they represent.

Cooper drove to the address pointed to by the coordinates, and Murphy also used some "small tricks" to go together . He takes out wire clamps and tries to get through the fence, but a robot Tass (voiced by Bill Irving) appears and arrests Cooper.

Tarth interrogates Cooper until Dr. Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway) comes in. She took Cooper and the other scientists to a room with Murphy sitting between them. Leading the group are Amelia's father, Professor Brand (Michael Caine), along with fellow scientists Doyle (Wes Bentley) and Romiri (David Giassi). ), they were once part of NASA .

Professor Brand went on to explain their current situation, where crops and food supplies on Earth are slowly dwindling, and the planned mission is to find a new home in the universe to sustain human life, as saving the planet may not have Hope too. Several astronauts before them, led by Dr. Mann, preceded the others on a mission known as "Lazarus" to discover a "new Earth".

Romiri explained that they discovered a wormhole near Saturn that could take them to a new galaxy with the opportunity to explore a "new world" suitable for human life. This is their plan A. But if plan A fails, plan B can only be implemented, which is to bring human fertilized eggs to a "new world", where they can repopulate and replace the world of existing humans. Cooper disagreed with the plan, so he decided to implement Plan A.

Murphy was so angry at his dad's decision that when they got home, Murphy rushed into her room.

Cooper tried to comfort her in Murphy's room, but Murphy was too angry to listen . She said she deciphered a Morse code message from a book that had fallen from a shelf, saying "stay". Cooper promised to come home, although he didn't know when. So he gave the watch to Murphy, but Murphy threw it aside. Several books fell from the shelves before Cooper left.

Cooper drove his car to the spaceport as Donald and Tom saw him off. Murphy didn't have time to say goodbye . Cooper looked at the passenger seat, hoping Murphy might be hiding again, but she wasn't there. Tears filled his eyes.

Cooper, Amelia, Doyle, and Romiri go into space to begin their missions, along with Tass and the ship's computer, Keith (voiced by Josh Stewart) . They docked the space shuttle on the "Eternal" spacecraft. Then enter the "sleep" state. Here's a clip of the spacecraft docking, no doubt a nod to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Back on Earth, Professor Brand brings Cooper's car back to Tom to use. He also told Donald and Murphy that they could send the message to Cooper, but Murphy was still annoyed.

Astronauts fly through wormholes, traversing the universe, stars and infinite space . They knew that their time on these planets was different due to the difference in gravity. One hour is equivalent to seven years on Earth.

With that in mind, Cooper knew it was critical that they found a way to get the job done without wasting a possible decade of people on Earth. After another astronaut, Miller, landed, he made a plan to fly around the black hole Gargantua to what he and others call "Miller's planet."

The team landed on Miller's planet, which appears to be all boundless ocean in the background, but shallow . While Cooper, Amelia, Doyle, and Tass set off, Romiri remained in the ship. They found the remains of a destroyed Miller in the water, but his body was missing. At this time, from a distance, Amelia thought she was seeing a mountain, when in fact it was a huge wave rushing like a mountain.

When Cooper orders Amelia to return to the ship, she tries to retrieve Miller's belongings. However, Doyle was killed by the waves, and the others fled back into the ship . There, 23 years have passed, and Romiri is much older for not "dormant". Amelia realizes that Miller may have been there hours ago, dying just minutes before they reached the planet.

There were some video messages on the ship that were sent to Cooper. Most are from Tom. The story begins when Tom at his current age says he misses his father and he meets a girl named Louise. The information reveals that Tom is an adult (Cathy Affleck). He married Louise (Lea Keynes) and gave birth to a child named Jesse.

Cooper became emotional and burst into tears. Another video message showed Tom looking desperate because something happened to Jesse. He also mentioned that Donald had passed away. The final message comes from a now-adult Murphy (Jessica Chastain). She was at the age when Cooper left and promised to come back. She cried, which made Cooper even more excited.

Currently, Murphy is working with Professor Brand at NASA to complete the equation he has been working on that will work out how humans leave Earth. She still harbors resentment for her father's departure.

Cooper, Amelia, and Romiri are sitting together, trying to figure out which planet they should go to next, Edmonds or Mann. From their discussion, Cooper learns that Amelia is in love with a scientist named Wolf Edmonds, after whom one of the planets is named. She hopes to see him soon, and she says love is the only thing that transcends time and space .

At this point, the camera returned to Earth. As Professor Brand was dying, he told Murphy that he had already calculated the equation , but because of the lack of reliable data, he could only directly execute Plan B with the last bit of confidence. . With Professor Brand's death, Murphy's last hope was dashed, so Murphy sent Amelia a video message informing her of her father's death.

Meanwhile, the astronauts came to a frozen planet with frozen clouds. Here's another ship with a cabin where Professor Mann (Matt Damon) is dormant. He woke up to see Cooper, overwhelmed by the sight of the human again, and he cried in Cooper's arms. Afterwards, Mann explained the planet's environment to the team, saying that there are 67 hours during the day, 67 hours at night, and an extremely cold environment.

The team then received a message from Murphy to Amelia, which was also sent to Cooper. Murphy asks Cooper and Amelia if both knew the mission was a fake, and that Cooper had abandoned his family to carry out an unlikely plan . Amelia is also shocked to hear the news, however Mann admits the mission was a failure.

Murphy had dinner at the house where Tom and his family lived . He and Louise have another son named Cooper (Liam Dickinson). Both Cooper and Louise suffered from severe coughs due to the conditions in the area. But Tom seems reluctant to accept this fact and refuses to take his family away.

Back in "Frozen Planet", Cooper and Mann go out to survey, while Romiri and Amelia stay put. Mann instead attacked Cooper, took out his emergency oxygen pack, and pushed him down the hill. He revealed that he had falsified data on the planet's viability so that someone could find and save him. Since he thought plan A was a failure, he chose plan B. He knew that no one could survive on this planet, so he wanted to leave Cooper and let him die.

Cooper fought back, Mann smashed Cooper's face shield, and Cooper was in critical condition. Cooper tries to contact Amelia for help, but Mann escapes. Mann ends up killing Romiri, while Amelia runs to save Cooper . They picked up Tarth and followed Mann.

The camera comes to Tom's house again, and Murphy brings his companion Getty to try to help Cooper treat his cough, but Tom doesn't want Murphy's help and punches her companion. He and Murphy followed other vans that were evacuating the area when another dust storm began to form. Murphy then drove into the cornfield, doused the corn with gasoline, and set it on fire with torches, trying to persuade Tom and his family to leave .

Cooper and Amelia find Mann trying to get his space shuttle Prowler to dock with the Eternal in space, but he doesn't succeed because he doesn't lock the airlock. Amelia warns him that the shuttle will decompress, but it's too late, the shuttle explodes, and Mann is dead.

With the help of Tass, Cooper managed to control the Eternal . He and Amelia then plan to use the robot to collect data on the singularity behind Gargantua, and then chart a course to Edmund's planet. Cooper and Amelia knew that the spacecraft had limited energy and oxygen supplies and that the spacecraft had to be reduced in weight, and Tass had already separated. At this time, Cooper also wants to leave Amelia and let her live alone.

Cooper ends up falling into what looks like another wormhole, which puts him in some kind of weird situation. He heard Tass speaking to him. Cooper is floating on what looks like a wall.

Here he looks through a window and sees Murphy as a child . He was looking at her through her bookcase. Cooper called to her, pushing the book out to remind her. Tas explained that he stumbled into a new dimension related to time, space, and gravity, and the creatures who invented it -- "they" led Cooper to this place.

They knew it wasn't possible for humans to create this creature yet, but soon. Cooper saw himself the day he left Murphy, and he yelled at Murphy to stay.

At this time, he noticed the watch that Murphy had placed on the bookshelf, which was left to Murphy when he left, and he tapped the watch with his fingers, trying to communicate with Murphy through the hands on the watch.

Both Cooper and Murphy now realize that Cooper is the "ghost" in Murphy's room - the one who left Murphy with the words "stay" in Morse code . Adult Murphy finds her father communicating with her. This gave her what she needed to solve Brand's equation and save humanity. She came to the research facility, collected all the papers she had ever done, threw them in the air, and kissed Getty excitedly. Meanwhile, Cooper falls from "five-dimensional space", drifting through space before fainting.

In the final stage, Cooper wakes up at a medical station. Doctors told him to relax and take his time as he is now 124 years old. Cooper went to the window and saw the kids playing baseball, and when the batter hit the ball, the ball went through the window of a house -- right above the playground. Doctors say they're at Cooper's Station above Saturn -- a "roller-shaped" new world for humans . The doctor said Murphy would arrive in a few weeks.

Cooper obtained Tars' body and was taken back to his old home. He revamped him, reset his scenes, made him more honest - no more 90%, and more humorous.

Cooper and his great-grandchildren gathered at the hospital to be reunited with Murphy, who was lying in bed surrounded by family members . She was happy to meet her father, who kept his promise to come back to her. Knowing that her time was short, she encouraged Cooper to move on and share her life with others. She told him to find Amelia, who was on a planet somewhere in the universe at this time.

Amelia is literally running Plan B on Edmund's planet , trying to rebuild a community with a smaller organism, not knowing what happened to humanity. Cooper decides to follow Murphy's advice and go to Amelia himself.

The plot of the movie is basically over. But looking back, we can't escape Earth to a "new world" yet, and Nolan and his brother Jonathan throw a ton of theoretical physics to the audience , including black holes, gravitational singularities, and the possibility of extra-dimensional space discussion. And, like the twisted chronology and unreliable narrators of his earlier films, Nolan believes in the audience's ability to get to the point and follow the plot, even if not all the nuances are captured on the first viewing.

Nolan did not elaborate on the "them" that appeared repeatedly in the movie, but I guess there are two possibilities, the first is: humans in another parallel universe, they have powerful abilities, and even place a " Black Hole", but they didn't have "love", so they wanted to get "love", so they chose the male lead. The second possibility is that the human beings in Plan B have found an "other Earth" where they can thrive and have evolved to a very high level of civilization. They have the ability to control time and space, and can create "five-dimensional space". But they find that their most basic "love" as human beings is still gone, so they need to find "love" again.

As described in the movie, there will always be people who will do anything, even sacrifice themselves, to save the fate of mankind, because Nolan thinks that perhaps the only thing harder to observe than quantum physics is the nature of human emotion - that is The unique "love" of human beings is actually the most important reason for human beings to be "reborn".

All in all, Nolan staged one thrilling scene after another, including several escapes "within an inch", and a dizzying space docking scene where the entire movie seemed to turn into a giant centrifuge with nearly three Hours of runtime passed silently . Even more exciting is the movie's ultimate vision of the universe, where alien life has surprisingly familiar faces.

" Don't go gentle into that good night and rage against the passing of the light," Professor Brand said, quoting the somber English poet Dylan Thomas.

However, Interstellar is ultimately a movie full of light and possibilities, about the universe itself, the wonder in the twinkling eyes of a child, and the film that transformed all of this into such a spectacular picture.

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Extended Reading
  • Darion 2022-03-23 09:01:07

    Nearly perfect movie viewing experience. Under the coat of science fiction (this coat is really awesome, the special effects skills are just right, and there is no overwhelming attention), the most valuable thing is the unpretentious and refusal to deliberately sensational plot (No doubt! Nolan also has a baby girl). The cast is strong (Hathaway really can't fight Matthew...), the only shortcoming is that the foreplay may be too long for non-nc fans. In addition, if you have the conditions, please go to imax!

  • Enid 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    I like that if life is a closed-loop ring-shaped ruin, then the starting and ending points are love and family affection waiting for us.

Interstellar quotes

  • [Cooper is sitting at a parent/teacher meeting with the principal and one of Murph's teachers who wants to punish Murph for believing in the Apollo mission to the moon]

    Ms. Kelly: Murph got into a fistfight with several of her classmates over this Apollo nonsense. So we thought it would be best to bring you in and see what ideas you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.

    Cooper: Alright, yeah, you know what? There's a game tomorrow night. She's going through a bit of a baseball phase. Her favorite team's playing, There's gonna be candy and soda...


    Cooper: I think I'll take her to that.

    [cut to Cooper walking back to his truck, quietly whistling]

    Young Murph: How'd it go?

    Cooper: [awkwardly] I got you suspended.

  • [after Mann breaks Cooper's helmet and leaves him for dead]

    Dr. Mann: I'm sorry. I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm here. I'm here for you. Just listen to my voice, Cooper. I'm right here. You're not alone.

    Dr. Mann: [looking back] Do you see your children? It's okay, they're right there with you.

    Dr. Mann: [turns to leave] Did Professor Brand tell you that poem before you left? Do you remember? "Do not go gentle... into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

    [Mann switches off his transmitter. Cooper chokes; Cooper manages to get his long-range transmitter reinstalled]

    Cooper: [gasping] MURPH! HELP! HELP!

    Cooper: Cooper? CASE! Go! Go!

    Cooper: No... No air... ammonia...

    Brand: Cooper, we're coming! Hang in there, don't talk! Try to breathe as little as possible, we're almost there!