Altruism can also be self-interested after all---see the scene of Enzo in the hospital

Presley 2022-04-22 07:01:01

The movie The Godfather opens with a scene where some old friends come to the Godfather for help. Outside the house is the daughter's wedding, and inside the house is the meeting between the godfather and friends. We are already very familiar with the scene where the first mortuary teacher asked the godfather to preside over justice for his daughter. In fact, the scene of the baker Nazolin is also worth remembering.

The baker turned to the godfather in order to keep the guys in the shop.

The young man's name is Enzo, an ex-Italian soldier who became a prisoner of war in World War II and is about to be repatriated under the treaty, and the baker's daughter loves this young man and swears that if he is repatriated, he will follow him. Together he went back to his old home in Italy, where the streets were full of cow dung. To this end, the baker came to help.

The baker was very happy after getting the promise from the godfather. Before going out, I also asked my godfather to go to the wedding scene outside to enjoy "the cake I prepared for the wedding, a very beautiful cake."

This is altruism—the antecedent of benefiting others.

This antecedent came to fruition in the hospital after the godfather was attacked.

When Mike went to the hospital to visit his father, all the security guards, who had been bought off by his rival Soroso, were dismissed for grandiose reasons, and the godfather was actually in a state of no security at all. At this time, Mike, who was a soldier, first transferred his father to a secluded ward with the nurse, and then stared vigilantly in the direction of the door.

At this time, Enzo, who had successfully stayed in the United States and became the baker's son-in-law, came to visit the patient with flowers in his hand. When he saw Mike, he was still grateful: "Mike, do you remember me? My name is Enzo. I used to be the baker's man, and now he is his son-in-law. Your father managed to call The government allowed me to stay in the United States, which saved my life."

Originally, Mike asked this kind young man to leave this dangerous place quickly, "There may be eggs here, there is no need for the police to pester you", and expressed your kindness, I will pass it on to the old man.

Getting into trouble with the police could mean deportation or disqualification. But the young man stood motionless, whispering in Italian: "If something goes wrong, I'll stay and help. I should be grateful to the godfather for that."

Good Enzo!

Mike then asked him to stand in front of the hospital with him smoking a cigarette, because he knew that the presence of two people would be enough to scare off a gang sent by Soroso (after all, they wouldn't dare to blatantly kill people in the hospital), while one person was almost certainly Powerless. Sure enough, when they were about to finish their cigarettes, the people sent by Soroso took a car at the entrance of the hospital, hesitating slowly but not completely, seeing Mike and Enzo, and finally sped away.

Although Enzo was also so scared that when he went to light the cigarette again, his hands were shaking so badly, Mike helped him light the cigarette.

But it was because of the presence of Enzo that the old godfather and Mike avoided an assassination that would have been a surefire shot for their opponents. This is also the reason why the sheriff rushed in angrily after receiving Soroso's complaint, and smashed Mike's face in a rage. According to the original book, he originally assisted Soroso to pay for the godfather's security personnel. Now, due to the presence of Enzo and Mike, Soroso's plan has gone bankrupt. According to his own "rules", the sheriff cannot charge Rosso's black money, no wonder he is so angry.

Enzo helped Mike protect his father in the hospital, the old godfather who had given Enzo and his father-in-law carbon in the snow to keep Enzo's U.S. citizenship in return. The original altruism received a good reward for self-interest.

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The Godfather quotes

  • Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!

    Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room.

    Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in!

    Cop with Capt. McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets...

    Capt. McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!

    Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.

    [punches Michael and breaks his jaw]

  • Sollozzo: [to Michael, in Sicilian] I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

    [Michael tries speaking in Sicilian, but can't express himself properly, so with a quick look at McCluskey they both switch to English]

    Michael: What I want... what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee: no more attempts on my father's life.

    Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I'm the hunted one. I've missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I am not that clever. All I want is a truce.

    Michael: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that all right?

    Capt. McCluskey: You gotta go, you gotta go.

    [Michael gets up, but a suspicious Sollozzo probes Michael's crotch, to Michael's offense]

    Capt. McCluskey: I frisked him. He's clean.

    Sollozzo: Don't take too long...

    [Michael heads to the bathroom]

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Sollozzo] I frisked a thousand young punks.