Back to Sicily - Why Apollonia?

Lamont 2022-04-21 09:01:02

2018-03-31 14:31:42

In the original book, Mike met Apollonia as if he had been electrocuted, and he felt that it was a lifelong regret that he could not get her.

The book mentions that his feelings for Apollonia are different from those for Kai. The first time he saw Apollonia, he decided to marry her, and she had to.

love in hand

More importantly, this period was also a period of change in his thinking.

After re-experiencing the living environment of his parents, Mike can better understand how difficult it was for his parents to survive and why his father started violent behavior. The Sicilian mafia is prevalent, and more adult men join gangs, and fighting is a common occurrence. This is far from the so-called legal society in the United States. The previous Mike was a pure American citizen who believed in law, equality, and peace. During this trip to Sicily, Mike started the collision and reflection between the Italian Mafia tradition and American culture. Without this trip to find his roots, Mike would never agree with his father's "illegal" way of living.

The appearance of the first wife stemmed from a strange love at first sight. It can be understood here as the restoration of Mike's "bestiality". Mike and Kay are a mature love, a love between educated people, a love in a civilized world. The two are in love with each other, and they have a lot to discuss when they encounter problems. And the pursuit of Apollonia, with the eagerness and madness of animal courtship. This may be the process of Mike's departure from American culture, the return of ideas and blood.

The actor who plays Apollonia is indeed Italian, maybe she has distinct Italian characteristics, but it is not enough to be amazing. If you find a fairy-like actress to play the role, the audience can experience the feeling of "being electrocuted" by Mike, and the audience's doubts will not be so big.

love at first sight

With a family, there is a sense of family and responsibility. Mike's yearning for life and his love for his wife were transformed into huge hatred because of her murder. At this time, the only way for Mike to avenge his wife is to kill the enemy (because the law does not bring the enemy to justice). The position of godfather, which he did not agree with and disdain before, has now become what he longed for. Only when you are strong can you protect yourself, your family, and everything you cherish. If fleeing in Sicily only made him identify with his father in thought, the murder of his wife gave him the motivation to act.

Because he loves his father, he kills the police officer; because he loves his wife, he takes up arms. The process of Mike becoming the godfather was full of helplessness to protect his family, and the creator rationalized all violence. Attribute evil to love. The murder of his brother also made Mike realize that he was the only one left in the family who could be alone. There is only one road left in his life.

And he can only set foot on this road firmly, and there is no turning back.

wedding photo



Still holding it in my hand~

Just like a blackened Michael~

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The Godfather quotes

  • Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!

    Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room.

    Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in!

    Cop with Capt. McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets...

    Capt. McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!

    Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.

    [punches Michael and breaks his jaw]

  • Sollozzo: [to Michael, in Sicilian] I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

    [Michael tries speaking in Sicilian, but can't express himself properly, so with a quick look at McCluskey they both switch to English]

    Michael: What I want... what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee: no more attempts on my father's life.

    Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I'm the hunted one. I've missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I am not that clever. All I want is a truce.

    Michael: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that all right?

    Capt. McCluskey: You gotta go, you gotta go.

    [Michael gets up, but a suspicious Sollozzo probes Michael's crotch, to Michael's offense]

    Capt. McCluskey: I frisked him. He's clean.

    Sollozzo: Don't take too long...

    [Michael heads to the bathroom]

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Sollozzo] I frisked a thousand young punks.