We're not Forrest Gump, we're only going forward in awake pain

Pasquale 2022-04-23 07:01:01

I originally watched this movie with great expectations, a classic inspirational film, but the result was not as good as I imagined.
What many people say is that this film teaches us not to be immersed in unnecessary tangled complaints all day long, but to be full of practical spirit. Just do it like Forrest Gump. To quote high school politics, it is to devote yourself to practice. . Obviously, this film does illustrate this truth. We have seen it from Forrest Gump's success, but it is not profound and cannot arouse people's reflection.
First of all, the reason why Forrest Gump is so simple is because he lacks a certain ability to think. As people with relatively normal intelligence, it is impossible not to tangle or think when faced with ridicule, the uncertain future, the war, the departure of a lover, etc. Anyone who has experienced it has to admit that it is not easy to keep doing it all the time. In Forrest Gump, all this is so easy, and it is precisely because it is easy to obtain that it lacks contagiousness, making it difficult for us to obtain a common force for change.
Secondly, and the point that puzzles me, is that Forrest Gump thinks he is successful? Are you happy? We define it as an inspirational film, and naturally the protagonist in the ending has a good ending. Forrest Gump in the film, with less than average intelligence, played football, won the Medal of Honor, visited China, and became a billionaire... In the secular definition, he was naturally successful, and very successful, so he Be a role model that inspires us to forge ahead. But what about Forrest Gump himself? Does wealth and fame mean anything to him? The part of Forrest Gump's running especially made me feel uncomfortable. He inspired so many people, but he didn't quite understand its value. Of course, Forrest Gump said to himself when he was running: "You can only keep moving forward if you let go of your past. I think this is the meaning of my running." To be honest, I don't know what he meant.
When reading the comments, I saw some friends say that we are often setting goals and ideals, and we lack actions, so many things cannot be accomplished. But I want to say, a sense of value and a sense of achievement, can it be obtained by doing it without thinking and then reaching any place casually? We are not Forrest Gump, we have the ability to think independently, so we have to endure the pain of thinking. Besides, we are learning Forrest Gump's practical spirit.
And I think this film is not inspirational enough, and another point is that Forrest Gump does have too much luck and talent.

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Forrest Gump quotes

  • Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: [to Forrest] We all have a destiny: nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan. I should have died out there with my men, now I'm nothing but a God damn cripple, a leg less freak, do you know what it's like not being able to use your legs? I had a destiny, I was supposed to die out there in the field with honor and you cheated me out of it. This wasn't supposed to happen to me

  • Black Panther: [to Forrest and Jenny] Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from racial onslaught from the "pig" who is brutalizing our people. We are here to offer protection and help for all those who need our help because we, the Black Panthers, are against the war in Vietnam. Yes we are against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front line to die for a country that hates them. Yes we are against any war where black soldiers go to fight and come to be brutalized and killed in their own communities as they sleep at night.