The American History Behind 'Forrest Gump' - No Comments, No Spoilers, Scholarly Posts

Jamil 2022-04-23 07:01:01

The United States is a country with a history of only more than 200 years, but Americans cherish the history of their own country very much. In the process of telling Forrest Gump's life, the movie "Forrest Gump" starts from the details and intersperses major events in American history.

1 Forrest Gump's mother told him that General Nathan Bedford Forrest was somewhat related to him. This person is the founder of the KKK party in the United States. The video about the KKK party in the movie comes from the movie "The Birth of a Nation".
2 Mom took Forrest Gump out shopping and passed a store with the same track on TV - "Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley "Elvis".
3 When Forrest Gump was in college in Alabama, President Kennedy decided to desegregate and let blacks and whites attend one school. The governor objected, so Kennedy decided to send federal troops to protect the two black students.
4 Kennedy meets the football star team, Forrest drinks too much soda to go to the toilet. The back picture on the table is Marilyn Monroe. Americans all believe that Monroe is Kennedy's lover, and Monroe's death is inextricably linked with the assassination of the Kennedy brothers and the blow to the Kennedy family in the United States. This is a big historical mystery.
5 Forrest Gump returned from the Vietnam War, and he participated in the rally of 320,000 people in the United States against the Vietnam War on October 21, 1967. At the same time, black Americans fought for equality under the leadership of Martin Luther King, and this period was also a period of prosperity for American modern art. Punk, rock, hippie, etc. became the origin of modern American art.
6 As people watched Forrest Gump's ping pong performance, the TV showed the success of the Apollo moon landing and Neil Alden Armstrong's famous quote: "This is a personal It's a small step, but it's a giant leap for mankind." Forrest Gump went to China to participate in a table tennis match, which is "ping-pong diplomacy" between China and the United States, and the two countries began to contact, and then the United States recognized the new China and formally established diplomatic relations with it. After Forrest Gump became famous, he returned to China and was interviewed with John Lennon. Lennon was the lead singer of The Beatles. On the evening of December 8, 1980, Lennon was shot and killed by a mad fan in the United States.
6 For the second time, Forrest Gump was invited to the White House to receive President Nixon. While staying at the "Watergate" hotel, he discovered that Nixon sent people to break into the Democratic National Committee office in Washington's Watergate Building to install bugs and secretly film relevant documents (this is a movie fiction). This is "Watergate". Nixon abused his executive power to maintain his position and was forced to announce his resignation, becoming the first president in American history to resign.
7 Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan are watching TV on the shrimp boat with news of the assassination of President Ford. In fact, US President Ford was nearly killed twice in a row in September 1975, but both survived. In addition, the newly declassified FBI files show that former US President Ford served as the FBI's secret spy, revealing the internal information of the Warren Commission to the FBI during the investigation of President Kennedy's assassination.
8 When Forrest Gump said "bought stock in a company that bought Apple," he was referring to Apple. The 1980s was a period of rapid development of electronic technology in the United States. "Silicon Valley" also developed during this time.
9 In the process of running, Forrest Gump said "it happens", which was the most popular car sticker in the United States. Forrest Gump wiped his face with a T-shirt, leaving a pattern on it - SpongeBob SquarePants. Represents the popularity of creative T-shirts. Forrest Gump wore NIKE shoes during the run, which means that NIKE became popular. Soon NIKE sought NBA star Michael Jordan as its spokesperson, and NIKE became a global sports brand leader.
10 Forrest Gump came home after running, and the news of President Reagan's assassination was broadcast on TV. That was March 30, 1981. An agent blocked Ford's shot.
11 Jenny said: I am sick. She has AIDS. She was one of the first AIDS patients in the United States. The film shows the spread of AIDS in the United States in the 1980s.

I have only watched this movie twice, so I chose its key points and recorded it. I apologize for any omissions.

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Forrest Gump quotes

  • Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: [to Forrest] We all have a destiny: nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan. I should have died out there with my men, now I'm nothing but a God damn cripple, a leg less freak, do you know what it's like not being able to use your legs? I had a destiny, I was supposed to die out there in the field with honor and you cheated me out of it. This wasn't supposed to happen to me

  • Black Panther: [to Forrest and Jenny] Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from racial onslaught from the "pig" who is brutalizing our people. We are here to offer protection and help for all those who need our help because we, the Black Panthers, are against the war in Vietnam. Yes we are against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front line to die for a country that hates them. Yes we are against any war where black soldiers go to fight and come to be brutalized and killed in their own communities as they sleep at night.