Happiness may be shallow, but it is the only thing that matters in a fulfilling life

Frank 2022-04-23 07:01:01

It turns out that movies can be so highly smooth, that movies can be so cruel and surly, that movies can be so calm, that movies can be so thorough and free. After watching the movie, I feel that this year's Oscar films are unwatchable, the delicacy and division of "Black Swan", the level and philosophy of "Inception", the reflection and dullness of "Autism", the darkness in "Winter's Bones" And depression and so on and so forth, a Fight Club has it all.
The meaning expressed in fight club is very similar to Chinese Zen. "No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide. Abandon everything, and there is freedom. There is an ability to see through and abandon without caring about losing everything." Brad Pitt burned Edward Norton with chemical nitric acid The part of his hand left a deep impression on me. He told Edward who was in pain: to endure, to endure to the limit, then you can detach. Brad burned Edward's house, including countless pieces of his beloved furniture, Brad said: empty it, when you lose everything, that's when you're free. Brad took Edward down from the road to the deep ditch and said: Give up control, forget everything, LET IT GO.
We will die eventually, who doesn't know this? Disease separation, poverty disaster, we have probably all experienced some. The Buddha said that everything is illusory, and in the end it is necessary not to be greedy, not to look forward to it, not to be attached, not to be attached. So what if the mind is still like water, it is the state of Zen, and we are born as human beings. Precisely because we are not beautiful and unique snowflakes, we are fortunate that we can melt freely at any time and do not have to bear the responsibility of the reincarnation of the seasons; just because we are just like other creatures, we only come to the world, so we must understand that we are limited. Time, cherish the scenery around the world.
Don't cry for not being a rock star because one day you find out that someone has no friends; don't regret not going through a world war, you'll despair that your mother was naked and humiliated; don't be angry about restricting your hairstyle , one day you will find that what binds you is what protects you. Edward is an orphan in the movie, never getting enough love and safety, composure and confidence, not so much he rants about the world as he is about his own life. Their lives started out too heavy, and they spent their entire lives unloading more pain than normal. Lin Xi said to Miriam Yang that you don't need to know yourself when you are happy, and happy people don't need to ask why, and never ask why.
In "Flying the World", Carl often recalls his life, only remembers Ellie's silly boy head when she was a child, remembers the two people working hard together to put coins in the piggy bank, remembers their hard-working little balloon shop, remembers two The seats with different styles but relying on each other, remember the moment when Ellie exchanged rings with him in white gauze... The last most boring little things are what he misses the most.
This is the trivial, tedious, boring, perfect life that makes us smile and cry.
In Desperate Housewives, Mary Alice committed suicide as soon as she appeared. Of course she has a reason to die, and every housewife in it has experienced life changes. For many years, Lynette felt guilty for being the last person to see Mary, but for not stopping and comforting her in time. Until many years later, Lynette was nearly killed in an accidental shooting and met Mary Alice in her dream. . This time she walked over and cried and asked Mary what she could do to save, to change, to rewrite. After listening carefully, Mary slowly smiled: "My dear, you only need to do one thing for me: look up at the sky, how good the weather is today. Cherish such a good day, there are not many left.
" Real, cruel, full of variables and surprises, let us grow and be strong, real life.
The power that can stabilize us is not letting go, but love.
Happiness may be shallow, but it is the only thing that matters in a fulfilling life. If one day you think about something you were nagging at in fight club, think of it as chewing gum twice in your mouth and then spitting it out into the nearest trash can. Life is short, there is no time to be unhappy. We pray that we are fortunate enough to reduce the depth and haze to a minimum, and only let it be a brief curtain call at the end of life.

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Fight Club quotes

  • Narrator: [9:01] And then, something happened. I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.

  • Tyler Durden: Do you know what a duvet is?

    Narrator: It's a comforter...

    Tyler Durden: It's a blanket. Just a blanket. Now why do guys like you and me know what a duvet is? Is this essential to our survival, in the hunter-gatherer sense of the word? No. What are we then?

    Narrator: ...Consumers?

    Tyler Durden: Right. We are consumers. We're the by-products of a lifestyle obsession.