What's the point of life if everything follows the rules!

Berenice 2022-04-23 07:04:59

I heard the name of this work earlier, and I finally got to meet today, and it did not live up to my long-term expectations. The enthusiasm of the Czechs is very French (I wonder if they were a family thousands of years ago?), and the romantic warmth of Prague is not much better than that of Paris!
The streets of Prague in the film are always full of quiet and peaceful taste, just like everyone's life at the end (if you only watch the end, how warm you will feel). The quaint streets and boulevards in the city and the tall spire of St. Nicholas' Church complement each other, just like the process of the film, which seems to indicate that life is full of all kinds of incredible, but it complements each other so naturally. The Vltava River, which appears from time to time, is more like our life, no matter how many storms and waves, after all, it will flow!
Throughout the whole film, the greatest value is that he does not speak any big truths, nor does he make any moral judgments. ---Because in my opinion, many so-called morals, if you really want to prove it, it is really difficult to find a strong reason---the director is just telling a story, just expressing a This kind of concept; the director is just telling about life, just depicting human nature. In human-to-human relationships, no one is a victim, and no one is morally impeccable. Who can tell who is right and who is wrong? In the end what kind of love is considered appropriate, what kind of relationship is considered complete, I am afraid that God can not answer. Because all this is just "in my life, I met you!" So when I look back, she is still as beautiful and moving as this city, with a long aftertaste...

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