Too much is boring

Sven 2022-04-21 09:03:36

When I saw it for about 1 hour and 25 minutes, I felt a strong burst of joy. This movie is definitely the best Japanese movie on my hard drive. The director staged a shocking reversal, subtly playing with the IQs of me and the vast majority of moviegoers. This design is very NICE!
But! But! It's a pity that in the second half of the movie, after 1 hour and 25 minutes, there were too many reversals of the truth, and the content outside the plot came into view, which wiped out my original desire to give 5 stars, and I really have something to say. to say.
As usual, let’s talk about the story structure first. I don’t have any taboos on the type of suspense films, but suspense alone can’t satisfy my taste. Here "Suspect X" has done a good job, with a simple story structure at the beginning, easy-to-understand character relationships, and role-building for all ages. It's top notch in every way. I am very interested in Tetsuya Shishen played by Tsutsumi Shinichi, this role needs some real acting skills. As far as the character setting is concerned, Shishen's indifference to all things, but not afraid of life is enough for his acting skills. In addition, he has to create a deep-level shape with deep connotation, not to mention relying on it alone. After taking a few excellent works, I can interpret it, and I admire it. The other characters, the physicist Yukawa Xue played by Masaharu Fukuyama, are still reluctant, and the rest are the same as their identities. The soy sauce can't be soy sauce, especially the female policewoman. . . Not much to say here!
Finally, let’s talk about stories. This is also the key point of my most like raising hand gesture. The Japanese love suspense films very much. "Detective Conan", which has spread all over the country, has always been full of excellent and highly popular suspense detective movies. I have to say that when the Japanese mind thinks about the dark side of human beings, the killing methods are hidden from the sky, which is very useful! But often because of this exaggerated and wonderful design concept, I don't know if the Japanese audience will eat this set. Obviously, my big Chinese sons and daughters don't seem to like this. As the saying goes, "it is better to be short than to waste", and the second half of this movie is really apt. The director's ambition is very well reflected in this movie, and the first half of the film is obscure and the second half burst out. This idea is really tried and tested. Indeed, I also got a good income in this movie, but unfortunately, it passed. It's like eating a plate of pizza, and you can feel it right away with the fish in your mouth. It's wonderful! But if, after eating, the waiter tells you that the pizza you just ate contains a lot of ingredients that you have no taste at all, my expression may be a bit awkward. Yes, for good material, we should think about how to interpret it before preparing it. If it is not obvious, we can tell us before the taste. If it can bring a great impact on the taste, it is not necessary After the meal, I would like to inform you again. "Suspect X" seems to have fallen hard here. Going back to the story, the procrastination in the second half of the film has deeply affected the rationality of my story. In fact, I think half an hour or forty minutes is enough for the second half of the film. It's too long, and the design of many places seems to be watching a movie that has nothing to do with this film. It's really incomprehensible.
PS, a good suspenseful movie actually has no equal relationship with the strokes of the gods. What a good movie needs is not only head-to-toe gorgeousness, but also a story that does not conflict or violate. The finishing touch and superfluous addition are actually only one word the same!

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Suspect X quotes

  • Manabu Yukawa: Is it harder to create an unsolvable problem or solve it?