A good marriage is just gentle and interesting, and the rest of your life "has me"

Garfield 2022-11-19 01:53:36

Based on the real experiences of his parents, Raymond tells the story of Raymond's parents from meeting each other, falling in love, getting married for 41 years, and finally passing away one after another.

No matter how old you are, please always believe in love

In London in 1928, Ethel was almost 35 years old when she met Ernest, who was five years younger than her, and seemed to have passed the age of impulsive risk-taking.

But when the maid of a noble family opened the window to shake off the dust on the rag, and Ernest, the dairyman passing by on a bicycle, thought he was greeting him, and took off his hat to greet him, no one expected it. , the wheel of fate starts to start, and they are about to take a risk of love.

In the next few days, the two were very tacit, waiting for a "hello".

Then, on the fifth day, Ernest seemed to fall from the sky with flowers in his hand, "I think I should introduce myself, you've shaken rag dust on my head many times before."

"My name is Ernest."

"My name is Ethel!"

Next, when two people meet in love, dating, falling in love, and getting married are all natural things.

As for age, never set a limit!

Not meeting you at the most beautiful time, but because of you, it is the best time!

The most romantic thing, three meals with you in four seasons

After the marriage, Ethel quit his job as a maid, and Ernest took on the responsibility of supporting the family.

They spent over £800 on a house and need to pay their mortgage every month!

The heavy life pressure followed, but fortunately, they were all gentle and romantic people - at first the house was empty, and there was no decent belongings, so they filled it one by one; what Ethel wanted, Ernest will try to fiddle with it.

The once cold and empty house was slowly decorated into a warm home!

Ernest was always a big, enthusiastic boy, and Ethel was a typical housewife with a bit of rambling. But in Ernest's eyes, she will always be a little woman who needs to be cared for and cherished.

They are always enthusiastic about life, and the flowers on the table never stop. When encountering difficulties, they rarely complain and always try their best to solve it, even in the face of cruel wars.

Living in them, there is no vigor and vigor, and some are just flowing, but who can say that this is not a kind of happiness? Perhaps, for them, having three meals and four seasons with you is the most romantic thing!

love children, mothers who love children first

Ernest and Ethel both love children, and their dream is to have many children to form a big family.

However, Ethel had not moved her stomach for more than two years after her marriage, so she was so anxious that she posted a picture of her child on the bedside! Ernest was puzzled, and Ethel cried in disappointment. He immediately went around and embraced her, comforting her gently: "Honey, I know."

After finally getting pregnant, the two were looking forward to the arrival of a new life, but they didn't expect the child to start early when Ernest went to work. It was the ambulance that Ethel himself called!

When Ernest saw the ambulance, he was so frightened that he thought of his wife first.

He stumbled into the house and only understood when he saw the midwife; and he was still worried about his wife, and he asked twice, as for whether the child was a boy or a girl, and what happened, he didn't seem to care.

When the doctor told him that his wife was an older mother and that having another child would be life-threatening, he immediately dismissed the idea of ​​starting a big family.

Ernest was textbook-level when his wife gave birth.

A mother who loves children! This is a man's best commitment and example to himself and his family! Conversely, only if you love your wife deeply, will you instinctively put your wife first in the subconscious.

The worst days, with the best of you by your side

Ernest and Ethel simply lived their small lives, and their son grew up healthy and happy. At the same time, the entire environment outside was changing dramatically: Hitler came to power, and World War II inevitably broke out.

War means life and death, loss of homeland, loss of life...

To escape the war, the couple sent their 5-year-old son to the countryside.

And they made gas masks at home, built their own air raid shelters, and joined the fire brigade to participate in the rescue.

The war is suffocating despair, destroying people's will: London is under constant air raids, death is staged all around, maybe it will be your turn the next moment, I don't know when the war will end, when will such a day end!

But they will repair the gates that were used to make war materials, hide in the air raid shelters, wear masks, rub their ears, cheer each other on, risk running to the country to visit him because they miss their son too much, and give Every letter from my son is written: "Your dear XXX"...

Even in the darkest and most hopeless moments, they still devote their greatest enthusiasm to life, and the days can always see the light of the stars!

The best education: is trust, understanding and respect

In addition to the trivialities of life, there are also the pains and joys of raising children, as well as the conflicts and differences with the children.

Ernest and the Ethel family were no exception.

As a child, his grammar school son was taken home by the police for stealing.

Although she was very angry, Ethel still believed that her child was kind. Faced with the questioning of the troubled neighbor, she replied: He was sent back by the police because he helped the police solve the case.

I hoped my son would go to grammar school and have a good job in the future, but when his son was about to drop out of school to study art, although Ethel was so angry that he cried, he still chose to support him.

After the son got married, the mother hoped that the son would have children, but when the son told her that his wife had schizophrenia and could not bear children, she expressed understanding and worry about them, and respected their choice, and never gave birth to them again, and supported them to live in a better place. Conducive to the countryside!

In fact, like most parents, they hope that their children will go to a good university, a good major, find a good job after graduation, get married and have children, avoid detours, and don’t mess around.

The rare thing about them is that, despite their rambles, when the child is really tossing, they can understand and respect his decision. This alone has left many parents on the street.

Because they understand that the best love is equality, trust, respect, and gentle companionship!

with me till the end of my life

As the son grows up day by day, works, gets married, and becomes a parent, he also follows the years and grows old little by little.

In the end, people who thought they could be together forever have to say goodbye to this world.

Going to the end of life together, death can separate them, and there is always one person who leaves first.

Ethel went first. She had Alzheimer's disease and forgot Ernest, who had been with her for more than 40 years.

In the most desperate and depressing moments, they encouraged and comforted each other by hugging and kissing each other. Before she died, she couldn't even figure out who he was, let alone a hug and a goodbye!

This blow to Ernest can be imagined.

After she died, he ate alone, with her cutlery and the flowers she liked on the table; he read the newspaper alone, the loyal audience who liked to bicker with him was gone; he survived the long night alone, and then Welcome to the dawn...

This kind of life is too difficult for him, he wants to meet her as soon as possible! They left less than half a year apart.

At the end of the film, the son and his wife stand under the luxuriant pear tree, recalling the time when the tree was planted, when the pear pits he spat out were planted by his mother in the yard when the war was raging.

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Ethel & Ernest quotes

  • Ethel Briggs: I could have married a deep-sea diver.

    Ernest Briggs: Well, why didn't ya?

    Ethel Briggs: Because I didn't love him.

  • [first lines]

    Raymond Briggs: [voice over] There was nothing extraordinary about my Mum and Dad, nothing dramatic, no divorce or anything, but they were my parents and I wanted to remember them by doing a picture book. It's a bit odd really, having a book about my parents up there in the best seller list among all the football heroes and cookbooks. They'd be proud of that, I suppose, or rather probably embarrassed too. I'd imagine they'd say, "It wasn't like that," or, "How can you talk about that?" Well, I have, and this is their story.