piece by piece rock by rock

Madonna 2022-04-24 06:01:01

Looking at this period of history without any knowledge of it, it would seem a bit long, but after reading it, it just aroused my curiosity about this period of history.

The film’s tone and soundtrack fits my heart very well, and several shots shocked me very much.

A bomb killed several little girls chatting in an instant

A group of police officers pressed the women in green to the ground, her expression struggling

Was shot dead by the police without hesitation

Mounted police faintly waving a baton in the smoke

And the words that the lady said when she encouraged her were also very wonderful. In such a difficult environment, the reason for a nation's endless lives is probably its national self-confidence. Under the "low" social status of blacks deliberately created by whites, they are not affected by the environment, are proud of their skin color and blood, and are unwavering.

In this movie, there is no one-sided promotion of Dr. King, but a multi-faceted demonstration of the emotions and ups and downs behind the act of a living person as a leader.

People are timid, uncertain about the future, confused about what they are doing right or wrong

It’s not something that can be done with enthusiasm, there will be disputes, sacrifices, betrayals, exhaustion, comfort, and fear

"We fought for a place on the table, but if we don’t have enough money to buy hamburgers, how can we help black friends eat lunch? What’s worse is that we can’t even read the words on the menu because there is no black school in the place where he was born. Is it equal?"

It's hard for me to feel this kind of predicament, but what I am currently in in this world is indeed being filled with these people brick by brick. At such a moment, it made me think that I can see more of it when I live.

The world is slowly getting better, becoming richer, becoming more tolerant

I also feel grateful for every day I live

Every today we are accustomed to is paving the road brick by brick

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Extended Reading

Selma quotes

  • Ralph Abernathy: This information, coming from the FBI, I assume from a high level, the same high level that's been tracking us like animals?

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: No, Sheriff Clark, we're going in the front.

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