Whether you watch it or not, it's still in the theater, it's really not bad for you~

Edmund 2022-04-24 07:01:24

Whether you watch it or not, it’s still in the theater, you’re not alone~
After watching Tai Chi 1, many people gave this film a scolding voice~
Claiming that this film is rubbish, I regret watching it, and I won’t watch it again 2
Okay, I don’t know what mentality those people watch movies with? Don’t watch them if you don’t watch them
, you can watch “good” movies
Although the film seems to have no connotation, it is still remarkable.
After watching it at the level of the Oscars, I can see a trace of hope that
we don't expect it to be like "magic". Generally, there are films that satisfy everyone, which is a bit unrealistic.
This film uses a novel way to let us see the bright spots, see the creativity, and see the changes. The new generation of directors is trying to make changes little by little. On the contrary, I am very pleased
and do not understand what those abusers think? Do you really understand? Then you go save Chinese movies, why don't you be afraid to come out and watch a movie?
All I can say is don't ask too much, relax your mind, and it's good to watch it as an entertainment film
Keep up the good work and make better films.
I hope everyone will give you more encouragement, not a blow.

View more about Tai Chi 2: The Hero Rises reviews