Diverse progress

Lane 2022-04-21 09:03:37

Suffering from the fact that the domestic big screen has been occupied by Hollywood for many years, Chinese blockbusters have been imitating the West, and they have also reclaimed half of the country. Even though Dong Shi's frowns are good, it has stimulated consumption and awakened moviegoers. The day before yesterday, there would be no martyrs who dared to face the spit like "Wuji", and there will not be so many people paying attention to "The Wind" today.

Artistically, I dare not say whether "The Sound of the Wind" is a success. In terms of business operations, the scenes, rhythm, and logic are still the same, and the special history of the country's anti-Japanese war is used to enhance the intimacy, full of gimmicks, especially it can tell a relatively convincing and complete story, which is unique with Chinese characteristics. The main theme of the suspense film is impressive. To rush this point, it is a grade higher than the flashy blockbusters in the past.

The actor's performance and the director's contrast to the atmosphere are really shocking. In fact, the success of the film is also due to these two structures. In terms of performance, Wang Zhiwen and Yingda are very talented, Zhou Xun, Zhang Hanyu, and Li Bingbing even won the Golden Horse Award. Even Su Youpeng, who has been criticized for the vase, has made great breakthroughs. What's more important is the director's control of the suspenseful and terrifying atmosphere. As the film's plot progresses, it is difficult to hear a single sound in the packed theater, and the girl who is occasionally frightened to lose her voice also adds a bit of horror to the film. Afterwards, although many critics criticized the film for being cruel and excessive and suspected of self-abuse, but in the case of a weak plot, this is also a neat approach.

When it comes to the plot, this should be a bit regrettable. The protagonist died too early, the suspense faded, and the fog dissipated. The atmosphere and rhythm created by the first two-thirds of the first paragraph were all lost in the second paragraph. I thought it was powerful. The leopard's tail turned out to be a snake's tail that could not be hidden.

However, the release of the film is enough to test the nerves of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. The screenwriter's approach should be to maintain the usual routine of the main theme film, and let the hero sing a one-man show at the end. After all, this is a gift film for the National Day. I held back my strength and hoped not to smell the political copper stench in the film, but at the end of the film, my underground party members had to believe in death, and the boring inner monologue at the end made me cry out of disappointment, because this way of showing the main theme is old Set boring. In fact, there are many ways to highlight heroes, such as "Assembly" played by Zhang Hanyu.

However, it is very good that the film can be made like this, at least 80 points, which provides a new model for modern historical films. The success of the film lies in innovation, daring to think and do. Regardless of whether the film critics think it is artistically appropriate, it is already a diversity to tell the people of our country that the five-star red flag is dyed with blood in the form of a commercial thriller.

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