The first 90 minutes of "The Wind" (spoilers are serious, please click carefully)

Marcellus 2022-04-19 09:03:03

"Huayi has no good movies", this has always been a bit shaken in my heart today. I didn't have any expectations for movies with the labels of "Huayi" and "Gao Qunshu", but the first 90 minutes of "The Wind" made people overjoyed. The reason why I haven't completely changed my mind is because I haven't seen the ending yet. I hope that in the next half hour, "The Wind" will continue to be strong, and don't follow in the footsteps of "Heroes of Heaven and Earth".

Huang Xiaoming gave his best performance since filming. Abandoning the idiot's cool smile in the past, he wisely chose dubbing instead of the original sound, and the result of making use of strengths and circumventing weaknesses was greeted with praise from the audience after the screening.

Wang Zhiwen has always been an outstanding representative of the acting school, and this time he still maintains a very high standard. He is fierce, cruel, treacherous, and flattering.

The following are five "old ghost candidates"

Su Youpeng was the first to fail, basically ruling out the possibility of old ghosts. People say how amazing Su Youpeng's performance is. In my opinion, it's just average. It's a little bit deliberately holding her voice to pretend to be feminine. It's refreshing, but it's still some distance from the wonderful.

Yingda's grasp of this type of role should be quite familiar. He was the second to die, and he shot himself in the head, saving a lot of suffering, and the possibility of an old ghost is basically ruled out.

Li Bingbing didn't suffer from any physical pain, but was humiliated by Huang Xiaoming stripped naked, which was regarded as a psychological punishment. In the original novel, she is an old ghost, but Mai Jia said in an interview that the ending of the movie surprised him, so whether Li Bingbing is the final old ghost (or one of them) remains a question mark. But in the scene of eating in the open air, Li Bingbing's movement was so loud, whether he was sending a secret signal to the lame, I personally think it is worth considering. When Zhang Hanyu was tortured, Li Bingbing and Zhou Xun were left in the room. Both of them performed wonderfully, sometimes accusing and exposing each other, sometimes holding their heads in love with sisters, as if only two people were left in the game of murder. Pure psychological warfare. Are they both enemies or friends? Is it falsehood or sisterhood? Perhaps the intrigue between the two in real life provides rich material for this drama.

Zhang Hanyu has always been a man. This time it was an electric shock and a needle stick again, but it didn't kill him. Could it be that Huang Xiaoming and Wang Zhiwen relaxed their vigilance against him because of the severe punishment, thus allowing him, the old ghost, to successfully send out information? It would be a pity not to be a Communist Party for such a tough guy. His favorite song is "The Empty City". Compared with Zhuge Liang, he is also so unreal, walking on a tightrope to play dangerous chess, which is very chewy. However, he and Zhou Xun recognized each other as fellow villagers, and the paragraph in Tangshan's words was too funny. Whether the pinch between him and Zhou Xun is really mutual hatred or a bitter plan of conspiring to sing together is also worth scrutinizing. Zhang Hanyu entered Zhou Xun's room in the middle of the night. Although it was monitored that Zhang Hanyu raped Zhou Xun, what happened to the two? Only they know.

Finally, Zhou Xun. The first impression was that Zhou Xun was getting old, and his aura seemed to be far from what it was in the past. When the movie reaches 90 minutes, it seems that she already knows for certain that the old ghost is her. Her handling of the bugs reflects the quality of intelligence personnel far higher than her own level. She even confessed to Li Bingbing herself, and dragged in Li Bingbing's boyfriend. Is she alone? She asked Li Bingbing to expose herself, what did she mean by saying that the information would not be spread out otherwise? Zhang Hanyu escaped from death, and she went on to admit that she was an old ghost and then died, so as to save Zhang Hanyu?

The criminal law method of the movie makes people hairy when they watch it, which is definitely not suitable for children. It is also an accident that this level can pass the censorship of the film bureau. Still have to call for movie ratings.

The suspense of the first 90 minutes is well done, and almost no one does not look forward to the remaining half an hour. This is due to the solid original novel and script. Here, the film can be said to have basically succeeded. Hope to see a great ending on September 30th.

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