I love "NANA" so much

Lynn 2022-04-21 09:03:33

I love "NANA" so much!
I don't know how people rate a movie, like it or not? I think people will have many, many different standards. I'm a person who likes to follow my feelings! I like a film that resonates with me and gives me the power to change, so I like "NANA".
Although I am a beginner videographer, I am still not used to judging whether a film is good-looking or not from the perspective of video, music, and structure. I think the reason why "Crash" won the Oscar is also judged from the perspective of human nature. My feeling should be right.
Maybe people will say that I am a person of weak will, or that I am irrational. I always follow my feelings, it seems that I have no opinion and no rationality, maybe that's the case, maybe that's the way it is at this stage.
"NANA" should be enjoyed by white-collar workers in big cities. This leads to a social question: how should older young people choose? A lover is a person who demands independence in his heart. This film tells about their emotional experiences and different life choices from two girls of the same age, different childhood lives, different family backgrounds, and different growth trajectories. The other two are two points on a straight line, one is a lover, and the other is a person who wants to be ego, but they encountered the same problem and were abandoned by men! This common point seems to allow the audience to find a balance point. Everyone's life is equal, and they all encounter the same problem. Guan Jian depends on how you solve it and how to face it. The film is a little naive in addressing that question: its answer should be friendship. Hehe, I think it's too far-fetched, or maybe I don't understand enough.
I haven't watched a Japanese movie for a long time, I should say I haven't watched it for many years. I found that in this movie, I can find things that I haven't found in domestic movies for a long time, I feel! His expression can reach people's heart just right, the director is too good. "Ashin" is being sold everywhere recently. Is it because of a "NANA" that there will be another Japanese drama fever? It is very likely that it is just like "Dae Jang Geum", but it is interesting: everyone is at this time. It seems that I like watching inspirational movies!
Can you put it from another perspective: the pressure faced by the Chinese people is so high, which is comparable to that of the Japanese. Hehe, if a director thinks of this idea, he will definitely make an inspirational film, or if only a lot of directors think of it, the films that will be popular in China will soon be youth inspirational films. Hehe, I'm talking in my sleep!

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