Chang Wei is calling for blessings, and the flowers in prison are like flowers. Corrupt officials want rape, and honest officials want more. Otherwise, how can you deal with those bad people, Ru Yan is Cai Shaofen, the scolding among the prostitutes, emptiness, loneliness and coldness, called Po It's useless to cut the throat. Everyone heard about Xu Jinjiang's leopard head. He told me to hit him, so I hit him. I have never seen a hobby like his in my life. The emperor died of a willow disease. The government is incoherent, and there is no good person from top to bottom. It is conceivable that there are so many unjust cases like Qin Qi's. Only by suppressing power can justice be done. This is a movie that ends with a comedy, but I I could clearly feel the tears in my heart.
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