The story of the Saiyans is full of flesh and blood

Makayla 2022-11-21 03:22:17

The overall story is exactly the same as the Saiyan setting. The screen is full of violent aesthetics, except for a black girlfriend who is not in line with the original. It's a bit of a play (I have to change to a black woman to avoid it?) Afro is really not good-looking .

The story of the copying person is a bright spot. It is very touching. I can't get the best or the beauty I want to copy and I want to get it. This feeling somewhat echoes the love between the male protagonist and his son hidden in the film. (Don’t look at what the father and son look like. It depends on the position and experience. It’s already a deep relationship between father and son.) Don’t look at what he says, including what he says to his wife, but what he does, because in the end Almighty Still left the earth.

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