
Greyson 2022-04-21 09:03:33

The Japanese sword is sensitive, the Japanese samurai is dignified, and the saber hangs on the waist to represent the natural right. They practiced more and more until the sky was as strong as steel, the rain was quenched, the clouds were connected and burned, and one's brain power was rigid. People patrolled from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and the birds flew and the hozen scattered. After dusk, when I meet the villain, the posture is rude, the vocabulary is disrespectful, and the soul has murderous aura, and the openings on the face even put poisonous smoke to blacken the leaves. The sword was immediately unsheathed, and he used a lot of wrist strength to move the sword. In an instant, he found the breathing space, the trachea was not suitable, the nosebleed was rushing, and he died of suffocation. How long can a samurai's share last until dusk, and the sword is stale and rusted. That plain and peaceful family, dangling in front of him, died unintentionally.

No matter how weak the samurai was, he had to be strong, kneeling in front of the general, his knees throbbing, his fat intestines cramping, mosquitoes and flies leaping in the air, laying eggs in his black hair. The samurai sword remained balanced, the connection between the right brain and the left brain was solidified, and the cold sweat did not cry until the eyes were blinded. One person looked like a corpse, with scars from the corners of his eyes, blackness in front of him, the blade could not cut through the fog, and the sword could not shoot light. He is the Japanese samurai Shinnosuke. He is frugal in heart and has a low status. He keeps his head up and looks up, and his eyes don't know where to go. Is it better to be blind and blind?

Kimura Takuya actually has cat eyes. At night, the eyeballs become thinner and sharper. People can't see it, but they are decent, decent, chastity, and keep their promises. Her wife had an accident and was forced to gossip. Shinnosuke used the eyes of infinite death to judge his wife. Her legs were weak, the situation was falling, and she knelt in front of her master, ready to be punished. Shinnosuke finally understood that it was all for her. Family affairs, foreign affairs, kinship morality and dignity, a middle-aged girl lost half of her husband, she is a housewife, broke into the world's occupation, and can only live desperately. Shinnosuke is merciful and allows his wife to save her life, but leaves home.

Self-esteem is plundered, people also go, the sharp knife pierces the flounder, and the family is ruined. The orchard was rotting. Shinnosuke stood on the soil and opened the cage. The bird inside curiously squatted on his palm, looked around, and flew to the colorful clouds. This is a story of a samurai who is too low-level, but naive, who is a vision and rejects everything. A samurai can only be a samurai, until his head hits the ground, his ears listen to the gravel on the ground being kicked, which direction, he immediately defends, and for a moment, he can hear his breath, and the enemy's sword is unsheathed. . . . . . . Again. . . .

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Love and Honor quotes

  • Shinnojo Mimura: Be resolved you will both die. In that lies victory. Life lies in resolve for death.