1. As far as acting is concerned, Zhou Xun is a little bit stiff in sex scenes except for Duke Wei, but other parts are natural. A trace of seductiveness, despotism, loneliness, conflict, a summary of Confucius: I have never seen such a virtuous and lustful person. Zhou Xun played such a conflicted and rich character well, but it was inferior to the role that Li Mi had guessed.
Brother Fa has created the atmosphere of a big man. He is calm, calm, and never gives up. His eyes are always in the distance, but he feels that the performance of the big man is not rich and full. The more he thinks about it, the paler he gets. The world doesn't know him, and he has almost no inner monologue. The director just wants to show his facial expressions with the camera, right?
2. The small words in the Analects of Confucius make people want to re-read the Analects. This is the biggest benefit of this movie and makes me want to read the Analects again.
Half of the Analects of Confucius governs the world, and the Analects of Confucius is the summary of thinkers who govern the country and secure the country.
A group of people with lofty ideals follow Confucius for an ideal. He is their belief, but there are only a few people in the world who dare to pursue their ideals regardless of who they are, and spend more than ten years living in the wild.
They are a group of venerable knights. This is what is missing in our time. We have no faith, no standard bearer.
Han Han became a thinker-like figure who was shocked and screamed, and sometimes he didn't know whether to be sad or happy.
For each movie, I don't care too much about how big the scene is, how good the acting is, and how much investment it is. If it can give people some enlightenment at the right time, it will have meaning, and it will give the viewers something to gain, which is the meaning of its existence.
"Give me a word", this sentence is fun, and it's useless to decide.
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