Seven years after the filming of "Mr. Zombie", many main creators have encountered unexpected events, with only one exception...

Lelia 2022-04-20 09:02:33

Behind the Scenes of Mr. Zombie

1. Do the creators really not have a good death?

"Mr. Zombie" must have been seen by everyone. If you haven't seen it, you may have heard it, or at least heard the song [ Ghost Bride Jer Choir-Mr. Zombie Movie Soundtrack].

The brave and intelligent ninth uncle, the infatuated ghost bride, and the timid literary talent, these vivid images are impressive. What's amazing is that the people related to this movie are dead dead, crazy crazy, and all have bad luck.

The screenwriter , Huang Bingyao , is the hottest figure in the editing circle over there. He also wrote the famous "Fighting Dragon" by Xing Ye. But just 7 years after the release of "Mr. Zombie", Huang Bingyao died of a sudden illness at the age of 46.

Immediately afterwards, another screenwriter , Huang Ying , was also young and died the following year.

The most famous ghost bride, Wang Xiaofeng , did not escape the shadow of this film. She was mentally ill at one point, unable to distinguish between reality and hallucinations, and even had a serious tendency to violence.

Not to mention, Lin Daochang was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1995 when he was in love with Sister Shiliu, and passed away two years later. His death caused a period of mourning in the Hong Kong circle at that time.

What's more coincidental is that Xu Guanying , who played the role of Lin Daochang's apprentice, also passed away four years later. The time of his death is exactly the same as that of his master Lin Zhengying, both on November 8.

Is the entire crew cast a shadow of death?

No, there is only one exception.

He is Yuanhua , the charterer. Playing the zombie king in Mr. Zombie, Yuanhua has been on fire since Mr. Zombie.

This is the winner in life.

But a bit wicked.

2 "Mr. Zombie" almost became a literary film

When the childhood shadow Hong Kong film "Mr. Zombie" was released in the island province, it was renamed "Temporarily Stop Breathing"

This... is it turned into a literary film? ?

In fact, the island province has always been quite unexpected when it comes to naming films.

Originally, the movie had nothing to do with ghosts or gods. They had to add some fantasy elements. For example, "Terminator" became "The Devil's Terminator", and "Beauty and the Beast" became "Ghosts and Beasts".

But when the movie is a ghost movie, such as "Mr. Zombie", it has a literary and refreshing name like "Temporarily Stop Breathing". It makes people laugh and cry, this name can't think of this as a ghost movie at all. I don't know if the audience who wanted to watch the literary film were scared to death in the movie theater when they heard the name.

3. The originator of Chinese zombie films

The above song Ghost Bride first appeared in the movie "Mr. Zombie".

Mr. Zombie can be said to be the originator of Chinese zombie films. From this film, he wears tattered Qing Dynasty clothes, stretches his arms, jumps forward, and opens his mouth with scary fangs, which can only be determined by breathing. position, people will become zombies after being bitten, and these elements have become the fixed image of Chinese zombies.

The red thread, chicken blood, glutinous rice, and spirit mirror that Lin Zhengying took, later became the necessary props for all zombie movies, oh yes, there are also formulas.

In 2013, Mak Junlong's film "Zombie" is a tribute to "Mr. Zombie". In the film, Yin Gui enters the corpse, ink bucket catches ghosts, gossip disk positioning, etc., you can see the shadow of Mr. Zombie.

But after Mak Junlong, few people made zombie films again, and that era will never come back.

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