Daily News Social Edition "Terrorist"

Damon 2022-04-21 09:03:30

The movie starts in an early morning, ends in an early morning; starts with a gunshot, ends with a gunshot; starts with a corpse, ends with a corpse.

The story takes place in summer, the summer in Taipei. Because, I grew up in southern Fujian, and I don't like the summer in southern Fujian very much. Taipei in the 1980s should have been similar to southern Fujian in the late 1990s. So, the whole suffocating situation created in this movie has been immersing me. From the dim light, to the quiet environment where you can hear the needle falling to the ground, there is a strong contrast with the surrounding details. .

In the story, Xiao Jin's sudden death of the leader of You Gao hints at the ending of Li Lizhong

I was very puzzled at the time, and didn't explain what to stab.

It was only later that I found out that it was

Yes, he has always been conscientious and abiding by the rules. In the end, he was "abandoned" by his wife and abandoned by society. He couldn't figure it out and didn't understand where the "wrong" was Why was being teased, by an anonymous phone call, by his director? Finally he collapsed.

The opening shots depict their daily conversations, which are easy for us onlookers to see. In fact, their marriage has already existed in name only.

"Change, reincarnation, repetition" His wife had been looking for a way out. Without emotions, they live without emotions. There is no joy, no quarrel, no happiness, no sadness, even a glass of plain water, without a trace of bubbles. In the film, all the shots of wives and husbands at home are gloomy, hopelessly gloomy.

He has always understood and tolerated the marriage relationship presented by the camera and dialogue. So, when his wife ran away and came back without any explanation, he said "understanding". Shouldn't there be an angry fight? When his wife confronted him for a divorce, despite his grievances, he "understood" and silently helped his wife zip the suitcase. Until, when he thought that the misunderstanding was cleared up, it turned out to be a prank, and when the "wrong" was not my fault and could not accept his wife's explanation, he finally became angry. "Why are you like this!"

On the other hand, the pictures of the wife and lover are bright and full of hope.

After watching this movie, and then go to the social page of News Weekly, those ordinary people in ordinary life suddenly become executioners, are they immersive? And who knows, which was the last straw that broke the camel's back?

As for the final ending, in my understanding, one is the ending of the novel version of the wife, the husband shot and killed all the people he thought were sorry for him; however, the final reversal is the cruel ending of reality, the husband is silent like a dog, alone Died in the bathroom. In the end, my wife's vomit was thought to be pregnant with Li Lizhong's child. And his wife must have never imagined that when she was looking for a new beginning, a new beginning had already begun.

In addition, I have a hard time understanding the three young people in the film. So in addition to the need to continue the plot, my interpretation is that the terrorists Yang Dechang wants to talk about are one similar to Li Lizhong, and the other is the incomprehensible "young generation" who are in a period of youth rebellion.

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