messy married life

Sonia 2022-04-22 07:01:54

The father-in-law told his father-in-law that he had a good time, saying the perfect cheating could save the marriage, and told the truth about cheating to his wife and daughter as a joke, and he liked to record it. As a result, I brought the male protagonist to meet the sexy dancer? In the end, the male protagonist was instigated by his father-in-law and because his wife was addicted to creating children and had no passion together, so he cheated on the dancer and fell into it. He also realized the dream of a chef and improved his relationship with his wife. ,Everything is going smooth. On the other hand, the father-in-law found that the mother-in-law had already discovered the derailment and thought that the father-in-law was just an ordinary person and that there was nothing to make a man feel guilty. He used this to get the brand-name bag he was thinking of, and he grabbed the bag and was hit by a car. . Father-in-law is very sad because of this? And the male protagonist went well, and the dancers also liked the male protagonist and joined the restaurant as a waiter and father-in-law servant. In the end, the husband wanted to end the relationship, but the dancer wanted to be together forever and become pregnant? Fortunately, the father-in-law took the initiative and accepted the dancer. In the end, we lived together in confusion.

There are many hidden questions in the story. Did the mother-in-law cheat? ♂️Massage? Has the wife cheated on the chef??? Who is the dancer's child? What will be the final outcome?

Throughout the story, the father-in-law's inconsistent experiences and lessons run through it. Except that everyone seems to be derailed, there is also a very ironic point that the mother-in-law was robbed of her bag, and as a result, the famous brand bag was thrown on the ground, and her wallet was stolen.

There is also ☝️ that the father-in-law and mother-in-law are true love, but they cheat on each other like this, and they cherish each other and care about each other. The mother-in-law is really the home of the father-in-law's soul, the home of peace of mind, but again.

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