
Libby 2022-11-15 18:59:55

The part of eating pasta at the beginning is very cute,

especially when a man sees a part of the woman ordering food, the

man has a piece of noodles left, and he sucks the noodles into it all at once

. It's really romantic. The part of

returning to my hometown is like an ideal, a real fairy tale. It's hard to imagine

the robot that the hero created to save himself, but he tortured himself, and he didn't even know what it was

. In the earthquake, when the robot broke free of its lower limbs in order to save the hero,

that was the saddest time for the hero,

because he realized that she was just a robot, and what

was even scarier was that she understood herself,

but only cared about herself. Robots,

machines are cold, and the hero's heart is even colder at this time!

In the end, he and his robot could only be put into the museum for people to visit, and he became cold. . . . . . . .

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