cross the fleeting years

Damien 2022-04-23 07:04:51

I've always wanted to watch "My Robot Girlfriend", but my mood fluctuated a little after watching it last night. Guo Zairong put the ideas of American science fiction movies in harmony with the Japanese concept of love, of course, except for the explanation of going back in time and the shoddy special effects. But in any case, a good film is also allowed to have flaws. The director's exaggerated imagination and soft loveliness are integrated into the special symbols one after another. The combination of beauty and grief can not help but sigh that time is fleeting and difficult to stay.

Following the tradition of male protagonists in Japanese movies, Jiro, without exception, is withdrawn, cowardly, and soft-hearted. But probably every teenager has experienced such an amazing girl in his youth. He hurriedly passed through his life, lighting up his life, and finally the girl left, but it made the boy unforgettable in his long life. Jiro is still the same. On the day he celebrated his birthday, a girl came to him from the future and accompanied him through a series of beautiful things, but in the end, because the time was up, the girl had to go back to the world 100 years later. . In this way, a shadow stayed in the depths of Jiro's memory. The year ahead will still be dull and boring, but a year later, when it's her birthday, she is looking forward to her appearance. And will we also revisit the old places, remembering the past years, and also looking forward to the arrival of the old people in our hearts?

After 60 years, he developed a counterfeit robot and returned to the present to accompany Jiro to start a new story, and told Jiro that the girl never came back the next year, and he was paralyzed by a shooting accident. Of course, history has changed from the moment the robot came back, and a new life seems to be slowly unfolding in front of Jiro. Jiro began to get along with the robot, although it was a little uncomfortable, but the excitement and novelty replaced the discomfort. We often feel excited and excited when we start a relationship. Although there are occasional disagreements, but try to adapt and run in. Feel the freshness and excitement that each other brings to each other. But as time passed, the emotions gradually dried up, and the fresh pleasure was gradually erased, replaced by a habitual life, which was a matter of course. Slowly Jiro got tired of this kind of life and no longer likes emotionless robots. After getting drunk once, Jiro drives the robot away...

When we start to get tired of our own life, it is often the most inseparable time. Tired of being too accustomed, and being separated because of being too accustomed seems so unaccustomed. When the loved one is gone, the scenery that we once experienced together becomes a kind of nostalgia, and this nostalgia always tortures every corner of our life. It feels like the world is falling apart in an instant when we are separated from those we love. Tokyo was completely devastated by a major earthquake. This major earthquake has nothing to show off in terms of special effects, but it implies the scene after leaving a lover. And in this earthquake, the robot came back to save Jiro. The robot did not hesitate to cut off its body for Jiro, and climbed to Jiro step by step, and finally when the robot told Jiro: "I feel my heart", it was also heavily smashed under the ruins by the falling cement board. A heavy rain poured down in Tokyo, and another 60 years of life were wasted by a heavy rain. After 60 years of Jiro, he developed a robot again, and the robot will never grow old. Jiro in a wheelchair, facing the silhouette of New Tokyo in the sunset, held the robot's hand and fell asleep... This is the end of the story...

Of course, the sweetest thing in the story is that the robot accompanies Jiro back to his hometown and sees his old self and his mother's appearance. Maybe growing up is a very difficult thing. The same events are viewed differently when I was a child than they are now. The perspective has changed, time has become the foundation, and the lingering fragrance of memories is much stronger. And when we are old, we may still reminisce about the immature and poor self in childhood, and reminisce about the years like water.

You were born before me, and I am old when I was born. You hate me for being born late, and I hate you for being born early.

Across the fleeting years, is my unchanging sincerity to you.

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