I can feel your heart - - "My Robot Girlfriend"

Lera 2022-04-23 07:04:51

On the evening of November 20, that is, last night, when I was bored in the dormitory, I suddenly remembered a Japanese movie "My Robot Girlfriend" that I watched in my freshman year. I vaguely remember that the heroine was very beautiful, and the film left a deep impression on me at that time. As for what it was, I can't remember exactly. I decided to watch it again.
120 minutes have passed, and after watching the entire film, including the ending, I feel very sad and depressed, even though the ending is still perfect.
At the beginning of the film (the director used Jiro's point of view at this time, and the ending was opposite), facing Haruka Ayase, who had never met him, Jiro hurriedly walked forward and met her across the street. On the other side of the road, Ayase Haruka's mischievous follower Jiro's footsteps made various movements to attract Jiro's attention, and Jiro behaved like a fawn panicked in front of the flash, slamming into the telephone pole. When I started watching this paragraph, I was confused. At this time, Jiro, like us, was also confused. Why did this strange girl keep following him with a smile, and what was even more frightening was that the other party was still a big beauty. For the otaku, this is indeed enough reason to make him lose his temper. After combining the entire content of the film, I discovered the ingenuity of the director. The director matched the beginning and end of the film to tell us the importance of "feeling" each other. At this time, Ayase Haruka is a real person, not a ROBORT. But Ayase Haruka has all the memories of ROBORT. She traveled back from the distant future to meet the person who made ROBORT have a heartbeat, and after a short contact, she has deeply loved Sairo. However, Jiro did not have any contact with ROBORT at this time, and there is no memory. After a night of messing around with Jiro, Ayase Haruka decided to leave Jiro until the day ROBORT lost his "life", because Ayase Haruka knew that he had love for Jiro, but at this time Jiro did not "feel" the process. Jiro just simply thought that the other party was just a coincidental birthday partner, because when he parted, Jiro said, "Yes, I cried too, I cried for no reason, because I saw the other party also cried." He was just moved. The title is the director's foreshadowing in order to elicit the "feeling" process.
In the film, after Jiro and ROBORT lived a warm life, he found that he gradually fell in love with ROBORT. One night on the rooftop, he mustered up the courage to kiss ROBORT's warm lips, and Jiro asked, "Is there any feeling?" You know?" "Hmm." ROBORT asked back, "What do you feel?" "It's a little electric shock, like touching a dry battery." Jiro replied helplessly, a little electric shock, because his kiss was full of the intention to let the other party feel, like touching Touching the dry battery is because he didn't get any response from the other party. The other party is really just a ROBORT, and he expects too much from it. Jiro was very unwilling and brought ROBORT to a nightclub, in an attempt to arouse ROBORT's jealousy by getting close to other heterosexuals. But in fact, ROBORT still has no feeling. Jiro felt very lost and desperate, and used various reasons to pick up ROBORT's faults, the reasons were very lame, the food was not good, the walking was ugly... Then Ayase Haruka and Jiro were driven away in the alley where he separated from at the beginning of the film. It was the same feeling that Ayase Haruka left Jiro at the beginning, because the other party couldn't feel his heart.
In two-thirds of the film, during the Tokyo earthquake, ROBORT appeared in time to rescue Jiro, who was at stake. At the moment when ROBORT decided to sacrifice himself and Jiro to leave, Jiro was unwilling to abandon ROBORT and leave. ROBORT's "heart" changes. Before losing his "life", he said to Jiro, "I feel your heart." At this time, the "feeling process" arranged by the director has been fully narrated, and ROBORT is no longer a numb scientific product. When the hearts blend with each other and feel each other's emotions, love begins.
The film creates a desperate atmosphere during the earthquake, but it is also this atmosphere that cleverly leaves the audience hope at the end of the film. The beginning means the end, but who knows, the end also means that there will be a new beginning? This is an old tactic used by Director Kwok Jae-yong to create romance in "My Sassy Girlfriend".
At the end of the film, in the distant future of the film, a girl who resembles ROBORT (that is, Haruka Ayase mentioned above) got all the memories of ROBORT on her birthday. Travel back in time and travel back in time to appear and meet Jiro a year before his encounter with ROBORT. (The director used Ayase Haruka's perspective at this time) During this time, Ayase Haruka told Jiro about the kiss that night on the rooftop, and also complained that Jiro disliked ROBORT (that is, Ayase Haruka at this time), But Jiro was at a loss and could only respond. Here the director once again reminded us of the importance of "feeling" between each other. It is this ending that is opposite to the title that hides the reason for Ayase Haruka's departure and the importance of mutual "feeling".
Finally, after Haruka Ayase discovered that Jiro at this time did not have the "feeling" in his memory, he resolutely traveled to the day when ROBORT lost his "life" (the same reason as Jiro drove ROBORT away, there was no "feeling"), and Jiro was in the earthquake. After that, a new life begins on the ruins. The whole film ends here.
From the perspective of both men and women, the director tells us that the most disappointing thing is when one party's emotions are not "feeled" by the other party, and it also implies that every moving love story must have a tortuous story (the process of feeling ).
I can feel your heart. This sentence, which runs through the whole movie, brought me great sadness and depression, and I think this is also the core of this movie. In reality, many people think that they are wholeheartedly good to a person and try their best to make the other person feel your thoughts, but when the other person is unmoved and refuses to accept everything from you, all your love will be in vain and sad. sad. But as everyone knows, the most desperate feeling is not like this. Have you ever thought that when you present everything unreservedly in front of the other party and pour out the infinite love in your heart to her/him, only the other party's sentence "I didn't feel it." The abyss of depression and sadness. Your "good night" every night is regarded as an ordinary greeting, the winter "watch out for a cold" is a kind reminder among friends, and even a rose on Valentine's Day is just another interpretation of friendship. There is not even a little dazed thought to think about you in the direction of the other half. When there is no response to all the information, the hysterical mania and the loss that is ruthlessly ignored can make a person collapse. And the director used the emotions of Ayase Haruka (a future girl who has all the memories of ROBORT) to leave Jiro and Jiro to drive away ROBORT to express the importance of this theme and the implied feeling process.
This is my first film review, inexperienced, written hastily, and many shortcomings. I hope you can give criticism and suggestions.
November 21, 2012 at 23:58

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