just finished watching~

Natalia 2022-04-21 09:03:34

I just watched this movie

and I really like this movie. It
has funny and funny plots, it can make people smile naturally and
have pure emotions, and it makes people sad and can't stop crying,
and remind themselves of some neglected people and people. I believe in my

heart that
love is an adventure and
cannot be predicted
. Therefore, I will look forward to it, will be mysterious
and will bring insecurity . I am
used to warmth and plainness, and I
will not be used to losing .
It is difficult to accept the gap between love and not love

. Feelings, the other person can't feel it, or can't respond to
it is also very sad. When

two people are together, there are indeed
many things that are different from one person. Sharing and sharing will become very interesting.

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