I only care about time logic

Hermina 2022-04-21 09:03:34

am learning mind map recently and wrote a mind map as a record.
Remembering that the male protagonist in nobody has really experienced all his life, and all the necessary events in life may not necessarily happen. The accidental events that appear in many times make the story develop to another timeline and become an inevitable event on the entire timeline. There are subjective choices among these accidental events, and there are also unpredictable subjective emotional factors.
So why every movie about time travel, trying to change the past, something unexpected happens.
I have to mention that
this drama has a lot of urine, and the pure love segment couldn't attract me, but the result of the final causal cycle deeply attracted me. Reminds me of "Nine Time Travel" and "Twelve Monkeys".
The timeline of time is as follows:
1. The stray bullet in the male lead restaurant in 2008 was the cause of this incident. It was because of the stray bullet that he had later misfortune, which prompted him to make a robot in 2073. (The appearance of the robot can be X, any)
2. The robot goes back to 2008 to prevent accidents from happening (all narratives in the film focus on this) → fell in love with the robot in 2009, the robot broke (this was what he did not expect in 2073, Falling in love with a robot is also an X factor) → 2071 to restore the robot → 2133 auction (even if it is not your own appearance, you may be interested in the story to buy, this is based on imagination, but it is reasonable, and the purchase X factor) → memory planting Enter → Time Travel to 2007.
3. In 2007, the male protagonist met the female protagonist from 2133, and he has been obsessed with it since then → stray bullet in 2008 → in 2073, he made a robot with the same appearance as the female protagonist.
4. The same robot goes back to 2008 to prevent accidents → fell in love with the robot in 2009, the robot broke → repair the robot in 2071 → auction in 2133 → memory implantation → time travel to 2007. (Here is what happened when the heroine returned to the past in 2133, and everything entered into a wonderful causal relationship, which made the hero fall in love with robots. In 2133, the heroine bought a robot and fell in love with the hero. It is more reasonable)
5. The same robot went back to 2008 to prevent accidents → fell in love with the robot in 2009, the robot broke → in 2133, the heroine decided to stay in 2009 and grow old with the hero.

Necessary conditions:
X factor caused by stray bullet headshot time travel: the appearance of the robot Fall in love with the robot, the purchase behavior in 2133 In
fact, these are all things that happened on a timeline, just the human time travel at the forefront of the timeline, and Past exposure can change the course of things, making everything more fatalistic with a causal loop. Ah, I can't help but think of "Twelve Monkeys"

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