If I were a robot.

Precious 2022-04-20 09:02:39

I seem to be more drawn to this robot heroine.
As for the plot. I can only speak of professional and typical fantasy essays. Wear it around. Is this still popular?
I can't write fantasy essays. Certainly not because of lack of imagination. But I'm not sci-fi enough. ("Slam Dunk" is sci-fi enough. ---·) My cheesy advocacy of "living in the moment". Imagination is played on the small plots of small moods and small days. The smaller the bigger the bigger. Hypocrisy is to be corrected here~
But if time travel is simple and easy, it is just a game. I am very interested to experience it. Then there is a lot that can be done. First of all, you must go to the future to see what your LG looks like, you must stare at him fiercely, remember what he looks like, and then look for it in time to shorten the so-called fate and let nature take its course. And then have to see what BB looks like in the further future. See if he is cute enough, if his eyes are big enough, if he has dimples when he smiles. Ha~
As for the future, that's enough. Knowing too much, life lacks surprises and surprises.
As for the past, then go back to the calm middle school days and confess to the senior who has never spoken but has always had a crush on him. The future self and the remembered characters fall in love in time. Ha~ enough Japanese manga. But it fits the movie well.

I think if you want to act in a play. I wish I could play such a heroine. A superhuman savage girlfriend with a warm heart. Although I don't know how to love. but can perceive. And keep giving. until the very last.
I want to make such a robot. You can make your loved one proud and proud, and you can make your loved one happy. Protect yourself and everyone else.
If I were such a robot. I will definitely love a person, no matter whether he loves me or not, whether he hurts me or not, whether he loves others or not, I will always be by my side, protect him and love him. Because the robot has no heart, although it will cry, it is not afraid of injury or pain.

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