Storyline 4

Johnnie 2022-04-20 09:02:39

On November 22, 2008, the boy bought a watch as a birthday present for himself. He remembered the adventure of this day a year ago.
On November 22, 2007, the boy bought himself a gift for his birthday in the same department store, but he met a woman in strange clothes. The boy is impressed by the beauty of the girl. The boy watched the girl steal the normal clothes from the department store. Along the way, the girl smiled at the boy on the other side of the road, like a flirtatious couple.
The boy came to the Italian restaurant again to celebrate his birthday. The girl also sat down at the table. The girl ordered a lot and devoured it all. The girl said that today is also her birthday.
The bill left the boy dumbfounded, and the two ran off. Along the way, the girl also stole the green apples from the fruit stand and was almost caught by the police. When she escaped, she was introduced to the Peking Opera troupe, confused and got rid of the police, full of jokes.
Before they knew it they came to the boy's house on the roof. Looking at the night in the city, the girl suddenly changed her mood, saying that it was in this place that someone forcefully kissed him. In the same place, he kept complaining and finally left her. The boy was puzzled by the girl's actions.
With tears in her eyes, the girl said she was leaving, she said she was from the future hundreds of years later, and then disappeared.

Back in time on November 22, 2008, there was lightning and thunder on the roads in the city center. A girl fell from the sky. She easily dealt with a few gangsters in the back alley, with infinite strength and invulnerability. She sneaked into the department store, put on normal clothes, and "bought" a cake at the cake shop.
Outside the Italian restaurant where the boy was, a lunatic with a submachine gun infiltrated the restaurant.
The boy is enjoying the "birthday party" he gave himself a watch. The girl goes to the table and sings a birthday song to him. This is a lunatic who picked up a submachine gun and fired, and many guests were shot and fell to the ground. While protecting the boy, the girl instantly repels the lunatic.
The boy brought the girl home. A picture was projected in the girl's eyes. It was an old man who was paralyzed on half of his face and unable to move. The old man told the boy that he was himself in 60 years. It became like this because he was hit by a bullet in the restaurant at the time. So it took him 60 years to build this robot girl so that the boy could take that away. But after changing history, time struggles to restore its original dimension, so the boy will soon endure a great disaster. Girls are here to protect you. Girls are able to continually learn to judge.
While the boy was shocked, he did not forget to guess whether the robot had sex, but was struck by the girl with amnesia lightning.
The girl stewed the boy's lizard pet Raoul for breakfast. From then on, the prelude to the lives of boys and robot girls began.
The boy was late for class and met a friend on the way. The girl picked up the boy and rushed to the classroom with super speed.
During dinner in the dining hall, a friend teased the girl, and was cleaned up by the girl.
The boy brought the girl and his friends to a party, the girl drank strong alcohol, the program went wrong, and the two fled in a daze.
The boy was working in a fried chicken fast food restaurant, and the girl was waiting beside him. At this time, a little girl outside the store was about to be hit by a truck, and the girl was rescued instantly.
Boys and girls couples life envy others. The girl helps the boy to subdue the crazy teacher, the annoying friend, the boy makes fun of the girl's ignorance, the girl often teaches the boy, and the two are extremely happy.
When he woke up in the morning, the boy found that the girl's face was a mess. After watching the news, I found out that a fire broke out in a youth football dormitory, and the child was miraculously rescued by an "angel". The boy was very happy to know that the girl did it. The girl proposed, thinking of the boy's hometown to see. The boy said that his hometown had long since disappeared after the big earthquake, and there was no point in going back. The girl said that her future self knows that she will eventually die of old age and regret that she has not returned to her hometown once. The boy knew that he was going to die of old age in the end, and suddenly he missed his hometown and cried. Finally they decided to go to their hometown.
The girl told the boy to go back to his hometown not to talk to anyone. The original hometown has indeed disappeared. The girl uses the phantom to recreate the hometown of a boy's childhood. Nothing in my hometown has changed. Those customs, small shops, plants and trees, all the memories are clearly visible. The boy also saw his childhood self, the life he lived with his grandmother, and the little treasure box he hid in the back of the courtyard, the kitten pet named Ural. In the little treasure box, the boy found the words he wrote to his future self after the photo with his grandmother when he was a child, saying that he would become a great scientist. The boy said to the girl, please convey to your future self and say thank you. When the girl heard this, she didn't know why she showed some sad expressions.
The boy seems to have fallen ill from a cold. While in bed, he tried to understand the girl's heart. One morning, the news reported that there was a hostage-taking incident in a middle school. The suspect is very likely to harm the hostage. This is the girl dispatched again to rescue the hostages. Go back to the ward and tell the boy that all this is what the future he asked her to do. Rescue the girl who was hit by the truck, the teenagers from the fire, and this hostage-taking incident. When he read the newspaper in the future, it was very sad to know that these tragedies really happened. The boy said that he is very kind in the future. He might love her deeply in the future.
Boys find themselves really into girls. He kissed the girl on the balcony and the girl didn't respond at all. The boy was angry and sad, sad that only he had this feeling. How he wished the girl could feel her heart.
The boy is picking up the girl at the Diba, trying to make the girl jealous, but he is jealous of the girl. The boy wanted to kiss the new girl, but was slapped in the face by the other party. The girl kicked her away when she saw it. The boy was furious, complained about the girl, thought the girl was annoying, and told the girl to disappear.
The girl really disappeared. The boy returned to his normal life, but was very lost. Girls have changed boys too much.
One day, the boy found the little Raoul kitten appearing in the room. He knew the girl had come back. This is the most violent earthquake in the history of the city. The boy was on the roof of the rooftop, and he was about to be buried in the rubble. The girl suddenly appeared and rescued the boy.
The two fled into the street. The earthquake was accompanied by strong aftershocks, and houses continued to collapse on the road. In the panic, a truck rampaged, and the girl threw the boy aside and faced the truck alone, safe and sound. The boy hugged forward and was pushed away by the girl, and a wall of the building collapsed, burying the girl below. The boy struggled to find that the ground he was on was broken. The boy grabbed the gas pipe on the concrete floor, temporarily saving his life.
The girl pushed away the rubble, but her lower body was heavily pressed. With all her strength, the girl tore off her lower body, climbed to the edge of the break, and rescued the boy. The girl wants the boy to leave quickly, but the boy refuses to live or die. The girl said, I can feel your heart. After being moved, the girl pushed the boy away again, and even bigger rubble fell on her.
After the earthquake, the boy found the girl's body from the rubble. The girl has no response.

After 61 years, the boy has become an old man. It took him 61 years to successfully restore her and to make many replicas. Nothing has changed for the girl, even her memories are still preserved. The old man died peacefully in the sunset.
In 2133, the Science Museum holds an exhibition of robots. A high school student discovers a robot that looks exactly like a female classmate. At the robot auction, the female classmate's father bought the girl robot back. The female classmate read the robot's memory and was deeply moved. (She may have fallen in love with the boy.) She has permission to travel back in time and decides to go back in time and meet the boy. She chose the date when nothing started, November 22, 2007.
The female classmate came to the past with mixed feelings. Seeing the cities and people who disappeared in the earthquake, she was very sad. Even more love and sadness is to see what this lovely boy will go through after that. Therefore, she tries to make good memories with the boy as much as possible. They ate Bawang meals together and slapped the Peking Opera troupe together. On the balcony, the female robot's memory seemed to become the memory of a female classmate, making the girl say something that the boy couldn't understand.
The female classmate shuttled back to the moment when the boy found the wreckage of the female robot. On the rubble, the boy held the female robot in his hand and saw the female classmate again.

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