Life is not a movie after all

Clare 2022-04-19 09:03:01

I have watched this film no less than five times. I thought I knew this film very well, but I was afraid that the limited writing could not express the beauty in my heart. It is with such a kind of anxiety that I wrote this film review carefully. of. The first time I watched it, I was still single, and everything about the heroine became my expectation for my future girlfriend. She doesn't have to be from the future, she doesn't have to have superpowers, but she must be as cute as the heroine. There is probably such a thing as fate. She really seems to be from the future. Xueba, Gu Lingjing blames me for being unpredictable. When you act like a spoiled child, your heart can be turned into honey. I am like a male protagonist. The sudden happiness is a little uncomfortable, and there are some secret joys. She's not the heroine in the movie, she belongs here, and she belongs to me. I tell myself so. It was not until she left for more than a month that I suddenly realized that I took her kindness to me for granted, I was jealous, I was willful, and I asked for it. I was used to getting carried away by her. Just like the male protagonist, when he was surrounded by huge ruins, the omnipotent girl lay cold in his arms, except for the lonely sound of rain around, and the male protagonist's heart-rending cry. The male protagonist finally woke up, he lost her, forever. Life is not a movie, and the stories in life will not all be Good Ending. She will never travel back from the future and whisper my name from behind when I am desperate. At this point, I am madly jealous of the male lead. She will not come back from the future, but I will wait for her in the future. I tell myself so. This is my story with this movie.

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