Extra points for the actors, the general level of the Korean and Korean duo movies

Keanu 2022-04-23 07:04:53

First look...

After watching this film for the first time, I immediately thought of movies about the two heroes of the South and North Korea and nuclear weapons . I have watched two recently, and the general routine is as follows:

"Iron Rain" - North Korean agents, South Korean politicians, the focus of conflict, South Korea's No. 1 figure, the final solution: nuclear weapons for leadership (enough)

"Agents" - North Korean agents, South Korean agents, the focus of conflict, inquiring about nuclear intelligence, and the final solution: Discourage North Korea's general election military action against South Korea

Therefore, the routine of the Korean and Korean duo movie is:

The two male protagonists (two males) of the South and North Korea, because of their different positions, were incompatible at the beginning. In the end, everyone came together to complete the mission for the sake of the family, the country, and the unity.

This "Baekdu Mountain" is no exception.

Of the three movies, I personally like "The Secret Service" because it is based on real historical events. It focuses on small things and exerts great efforts. Although there are no wonderful action scenes, it is better than "real". In the end, Director Li and "Black Venus" Wordless meeting, touching.

This "Baekdu Mountain" and "Iron Rain" are much bolder, both of which put North Korea and South Korea in a state of annihilation, either natural disasters or man-made disasters. For thorough deterrence, they have chosen "nuclear weapons", and the roles of the US "controller" and China's "dangerous neighbor" are pushing things to an uncontrollable level. In the end, the two heroes of the Chinese Super League worked together to solve the problem. Generally speaking, the South Korean side returned home safely, and the North Korean side chose to die heroically because of homelessness...

This is the routine of the Korean and Korean duo movie ...

This is my first impression after watching it.


Going back to the movie "Baekdu Mountain", the highlight of this movie is undoubtedly the actors: Ha Jung-woo, Lee Byung-hun, Ma Dong-seok, Jeon Do-yeon, Bae Suzy... The actors are normal, so it's worth the ticket price.

The actors are of course normal, and the characters they create have a certain arc. In short:

Ha Zhengyu's role has changed from "depressed and cute" to "brave and resolute", which is the courage given to him by his lover and children;

Lee Byung Hun's role has changed from "the vulture has a castle" to "sacrificing himself", it is the courage given to him by his lover (Ha Jung Woo... joke) and children;

Ma Dongxi's character has no power to tie the chicken, and there is a contrast. At the beginning, he was thinking about "withdrawing", and at the last moment he stayed to complete his mission...

Especially Lee Byung-hun and Ha Jung-woo, the brothers' "basic love", the love between husband and wife, and the love between father and daughter, all performed with flesh and blood.

Actor praises.


The key issue is that the crisis must be big enough.

The crisis in the movie has become so big that it is completely out of control, but in order to solve the crisis, all clues must be closed at the end. This will bring about a problem, how big and how come when narrating the crisis, and how simple and how to solve the crisis, which will reduce the credibility of the whole story.

Both "Iron Rain" and "Baekdu Mountain" have this problem. In fact, if you completely follow the rhythm of the audio-visual language of the movie and don't think about it, the movie still looks very exciting...

But if you move your head a little bit, it doesn't feel right...

With the eruption of Mount Paektu, the DPRK and the ROK are in a hurry, aren't we in a hurry... We can't complain about China's description...

North Korea's protective measures against nuclear weapons are like this, just a few South Korean "babies" (in Li Bingxian's language) will be done...

What is the standpoint of "beauty"? First, live guns and live ammunition, "Tu Tu Tu", and then lift the stretcher and "Save it"...

The elevator goes down the shaft, at the speed in the movie, a person who is shot can still be alive...

I don't know about the feasibility of bombing volcanoes with nuclear weapons. I don't understand... But, I always feel that this plan is feasible... The explosion of nuclear weapons does not talk about the power (let Ha Zhengyu drive away in a car), it is only the ecological harm, can bear Is it... Even if this is the best plan in principle, I think the argumentation process should be said a little more to make the male protagonist's actions more credible.


The movie is ok, Samsung.

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