Dissuade, dissuade, pay attention to friendly forces! The front is really not fifty shades of gray! ! !

Annabell 2022-11-04 19:57:41

It's really far worse

From the first line, the Three Views are extremely deviated from the normal trajectory, frantically involved in pornography, crude and direct, without aesthetic feeling

Everyone who has seen it knows that it is no longer the level of fifty degrees gray, which is only SM. I am a fan of fifty degrees, and I am directly disgusted in my heart after watching this movie -_-|| Now, just look at the commentary for the rest. If you want to know the general plot, just watch the commentary. Normal people who really watch the whole movie are quite disgusting, unless you really feel that it doesn't matter if you watch it as an AV

The editing of other people really has the flavor of romance novels. The overall effect of the whole film is that various bodies are derailed, true love? ? ? I'll go to your mother. Someone in the comment area said that it is much better than Jinjiang's tyrants. Gender and equality are equal. I really thought it was like this before. I want to see silly white sweet! ! ! ! Compared to this? ? ? I really love silly white sweet! ! ! At the very least, people do not have the same principles and bottom line as primitive bestiality. The word "messy" is a perfect summary.

In the end, he begged for a pair of eyes that hadn't seen this film before, and the spiritual cleanliness could not help his nausea desire.

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365 Days quotes

  • Massimo: Are you lost babygirl?

  • Massimo: I'm gonna fuck you so hard that people will gonna hear you in Warsaw.