Very moving, suspenseful thriller blockbuster

Pasquale 2022-12-04 02:23:03

The film crew's footprints are all over the rainforest, permafrost, ocean, grassland, and polar regions. The typical ecological environment is very moving and suspenseful and thrilling. The first episode of Tropical. The leopard relies on cover, and is really a master at finding cover. The failure rate is six out of seven. The competition is brutal, and only the strongest survive. Nature is really amazing, both hunters and prey are evolving, the hunters will not rush to kill, and the prey will completely escape. Only humans are outliers. They have super high IQs and can use manufacturing improvement tools. Humans are hunters without opponents, and their opponents are only themselves. The wild dog family in Zambia really did not expect that they were hunting bison. The bison would run when they were frightened. What they wanted to chase was the lonely bison. Wild dogs have a lot of stamina, and buffaloes can choke in twenty minutes. The unfrightened buffaloes stand together as a wall of sharp horns, and there is nothing the wild dogs can do. In the green tropical rainforest, there are prey and hunters everywhere. Stillness is the best way to hunt and protect yourself. Chameleons only move their eyes and get goosebumps. Darwin Bark Spider, a small body can make a 25-meter-long bridge, weave a two-meter-long net across the river bank in a few hours, and then wait for the dragonfly to throw itself into the net. Can a Nile crocodile last a year without food? This patient has served, so many bison, let's eat one for the Nile crocodile, I'm too hungry. Millions of falcons have flocked to a certain part of India, waiting for the termites to take off. They have to double their weight in just two weeks. You weight management cows, you have to fly 14,000 kilometers a year to survive. This really can't be changed. down? This is so tiring. Humpback whale mother and child were attacked by killer whales, alas, I just watched this two days ago, I didn't expect it to be here. The mother used the tail and flanks for defense, and the small humpback whale was on her back. The killer whale made a wave to drive the small humpback whale down. When the situation was critical, two male humpback whales came to help. Three 40-ton behemoths, the killer whale Groups are not rivals either. But it was too early to be happy. The male humpback whale left too early, and the little humpback whale was drowned... No wonder the humpback whale would beat the killer whale if it had the chance. This is a real hatred of generations. The smartest and most efficient gregarious hunter in the world, humpback whales have a good memory and have wanted to beat killer whales for generations. The leopard mother has four children, and 90% of the cubs do not live to two years old. Most of the time most hunts fail. Once again sigh the exquisiteness of nature. Trivia: In the crocodile scene, the three photographers were a family of three. After waiting for a month, either the crocodile could not be seen, or it was flooded in the dry season, or a crocodile stayed motionless for a day, the photographer said, Usually I sympathize with the prey, but this time I sympathize with the crocodile. I have been hungry for a year, so hurry up and catch one. When shooting, stay at least one meter away from the shore, there are crocodiles in the water. The second episode of the polar region, the hunting career of three types of hunters. Polar bears, the frozen continent is their world, seals are the main prey, and the mother and child of the seals cannot leave the stomata too far, and polar bears are easier to hunt. When the ice starts to melt, it will be difficult. The smell and sound of polar bears will make the seals escape into the water, and the water is the world of the seals. In summer, polar bears can only go ashore, and they can't beat the ferocious walruses. It is hot, hungry, and super tough. An unusual polar bear climbed a 300-meter cliff. Birds that avoided arctic foxes built their nests here. This polar bear lived on the cliff in summer. Neither is easy. Arctic wolves live in packs. Parents, aunts and uncles raise their children together. They have to raise twenty children in three months. White in winter, dark in summer, the main prey is the Arctic rabbit... I didn't expect this rabbit to run like this before, and turn around in an instant without pain in the neck. The arctic wolf is not easy, you can only catch the four together. A big Arctic hare is indeed not small, it runs very fast, 40 kilometers per hour, and the little rabbits are so agile. The little arctic rabbits grow up and stay together in a group, and the wolves change their goals to catch musk ox. This is too difficult. The weight is there, and the horns. If it didn't work, a single bull was found. Four arctic wolves took turns to risk their lives to consume the bull. It was estimated that it would take several hours. The crew did not give a result, I hope your hunt is successful. All the hard work is to support the family, and the workers understand it. Arctic foxes, too, have a bunch of kids. Just waiting for the birds to breed here once a year before they can eat and raise children. In the midst of the rubble, he hid his figure and jumped up. Today's dinner was over. Looking at the arctic fox returning home with a few birds in his mouth, he looked like a human parent who came home from get off work and was rushing to buy food and cook. When the chicks are ready to fly for the first time, it is the last dinner of the arctic fox. The cliffs and the coast are about half a mile. Accompanied by their parents and families, most of the chicks can safely reach the sea, and from there they have to swim 100 kilometers south, because they are still not flying well. Those who are not healthy enough and not lucky enough will be buried on land. In just a few days, it took off intensively If you leave, you will be able to reproduce the most offspring at the least cost. The result of the ingenious evolution of the animal kingdom is really amazing. Only the most suitable can survive. Trivia: You may not believe it, but the polar bear walked towards us, we had to run away, and the bear chased us. We found that the polar bear was playing a game of whack-a-mole with the seals. The polar bear was a gopher that appeared and disappeared in the air hole, but it seemed that the bear was always unable to find its position. Not good. A bear, right? It's not easy, the content of this episode is at least a few months of hard work day and night, icy and snowy. In the third episode of the forest sub-frigid coniferous forest, the cute ferret is looking for mice in thousands of snow caves, three a day are enough. Indian tigers, if they want to be successful, they need to practice all year round if they want to make a sound and not be seen. In broad-leaved forest, Sparrowhawk, female birds raise children in summer. Female birds are twice as tall as male birds. In summer, the occupation is intensive and there is no advantage of hunting. Male birds are responsible for turning over at least ten birds a day. See this is the correct division of labor for raising offspring. . In autumn and winter, the advantages of female birds come back, and the chicks will practice their hands with other birds. There is a squirrel holding a nut all the way to watch, thinking, this is the same every year. Tropical rainforest, Portia's three major advantages, long jump, good eyesight, high IQ, staged a lot of espionage every day. Tarsier has the largest proportion of eyes among mammals, which is comparable to the big eyes of Japanese anime. It haunts at night, and each has its own territory. When he sees a python, he will summon the same kind to drive the snake away first. Harpy Eagle, This is ruthless and big. The child needs to be raised for two years. At least 200 monkeys and sloths need to be hunted. If the little eagle cannot learn to hunt after two years, the parents will kill their relatives righteously and raise another one! I also saw that the sloth was still fighting back, and the slow counterattack, the kitty couldn't beat the sloth? The chimpanzees set traps for the colobus monkeys on the top of the tree, and after they were caught, they were distributed on the spot according to their level and contribution. In the mostly vegetarian forest, meat is a very precious protein. After reading more, you will understand why all animals are so standard in body and so agile in their movements. They exercise every few dozen kilometers every day to eat a meal. Sloths are not counted, and they often can’t eat for several days. It's not easy to manage for a few days. Who was the most successful hunter in the last forest? The one that didn't work well after a hundred attempts, I guessed for a long time, and it turned out to be an ant. An army of millions, a set of systems, working day and night in unison, will attack other ants and snatch an entire generation of larvae. Those who are not of our race are food. Trivia: Shoot a tiger. It turned out to be with the help of elephants, because tigers don't care about elephants. In other words, no one hunts elephants except humans. Thanks to this 65-year-old elephant named Gothem. Episode 4 Ocean The ocean area is large, but most areas have little to eat. The 200-ton blue whale swims in the ocean in search of food krill. Frigate birds, feathers are not waterproof, very light weight and suitable for long-distance flights, hundreds of kilometers a day is not a problem. The flying fish flew out of the sea to hide from the Dorado in the sea, but there were still frigate birds waiting on the sea, and it was difficult for the fish to live. Sargasso floating on the sea is a refuge for all kinds of small fish. There is also a fish waiting here, but the skills of this fish are a bit rusty. Spinner dolphins live in groups and have a very complex social class. They can reach a scale of about 5,000. They are a true marine hunting army. The prey is lantern fish. I have seen them in the aquarium, and their tails are red. All kinds of strange-shaped animals in the deep sea, all kinds of energy-saving hunting methods, jellyfish will also hunt other jellyfish. An oasis in the ocean is really a big gathering of all kinds of animals. Small fish can hide in coral reefs, close to the ground, and large hunters can't catch them. Albatrosses in the South Pacific also eat krill. They have the largest wingspan among birds and three times their weight as frigatebirds. They use strong winds to glide after takeoff. The breeding ground is very crowded, with about 500,000 birds. To take off, they can only go to the edge of the breeding ground. The take-off process is very similar to the take-off of an airplane. I remember the seven continents I saw last time. The way for albatrosses to recognize their children is to recognize the nest. is my child, not where it is. Sardines are really bottom, sea lions, tuna, sharks, all kinds of hunters all come together to hunt Kill, the hunters will not attack each other, and finally the late Bryde whale solved it with one bite. Trivia: The underwater shot of the blue whale, the ocean's greatest predator, took two years to film, and the first time it's been photographed underwater eating krill. Blue whales consume too much energy and too little food to open their mouths at one time, so they don't open their mouths easily. Photographers and experts are super excited, a once-in-a-century scene. Episode 5 Grassland and desert, there is nowhere to hide the cheetah, the maximum speed can only be maintained for a few seconds, the attack must be launched within 30 meters of the prey to be successful, and 60% of the hunting will fail. It's the perfect combination of strength and beauty, and the perfect eyeliner is born. The caracal is very cute and can be three meters high with one jump. Its specialty is catching birds and eating, with a one-tenth success rate. Badger's ability to dig the ground is too strong, it can be called an excavator, so there is no need to hide. The giant ant nest takes five years to complete, and even if a fire breaks out in the grassland, the ants will be safe inside. Alates are ants with wings. They are going to open up a new territory. At this time, the opportunity for the headlight beetle larvae comes. At night, they densely climb the ant's nest, emit light, lure the ants and replenish themselves with energy. As long as a pair of ants can reach a new place, reproduction is not a problem. Snow geese, 1.5 million, this is the only one I have seen so far that can fill the screen densely, and there is no way to fill it with bald eagles. I can only wait, wait for the ice, and wait for the space of the snow geese to be filled. Compression, waiting for their inevitable collision as they take off in a panic. Cape Buffalo, An 800kg, four lions fought together for 20 minutes. The weather was so hot that both sides were scarred. An African wolf that looks like a fox. It lives in packs to raise the next generation. The female wolf leader takes care of the children at home, and the rest go to catch the moles separately every morning. There are those who wait for the rabbit, some who have a mouthful of mud, and some who can blow. When the Namib Desert was the hottest, the Hotrod ants came out to collect their corpses. The ground temperature was 70 degrees. The long legs allowed them to leave the ground and they could drop by about 10 degrees. Even in such a hot weather, the hunters did not sit idle. Some made bunker ambush, and some added sticky sand. In order to survive, everyone worked so hard. The life-and-death struggle in the microscopic world, life and death, is no less than that in the macroscopic world. In the end, it was a very, very dry, saline-alkali land, with no cover at all. A single source of water, all kinds of animals congregate in the river water. More than a dozen lions hunt together, and when there are too many eyes, the lions wait quietly, each with little movement, a standard model. The weather changed suddenly, the yellow sand was everywhere, and the wind was blowing, and the sight, smell, hearing, and hearing of the prey were hindered. The lions seized the cover given by the short weather and successfully hunted. Trivia: The hyena team put collars on the leading dogs, and the film crew often lost it, hahaha, humans are too weak, and finally they used helicopters. The cheetah team, waited a month for a shot, or it was raining, or the cheetahs were hunting at night, and it was hard to wait until the daytime hunting was successful. How much you love drinking tea, and bring a small teacup~ Episode 6 Shoreline Hunting and Time Race Bottlenose dolphins, taking advantage of low tides to catch fish ashore, each time at the risk of running aground and wearing out their teeth. Octopus, when the tide is low, can move from one puddle to another to catch crabs. Octopuses are really scary. Crabs on the beach are only the size of beans. The sand that has filtered the food will turn into small balls. The appearance of the entire beach has been changed. When the tide comes, everything disappears and starts again. The monkeys on the coast of Thailand are usually vegetarian and come to the beach to eat seafood when the tide is low. Can use tools and use their brains to catch crabs. Otter, Half the size of Europe, this is the smallest marine mammal to be photographed for the first time. Sea lions can only give birth on the shore. The baby sea lions have not been able to swim in the first few months. They didn't know to be afraid of killer whales at first. Most of them eventually learned to swim and avoid killer whales. Every strike by a killer whale also runs the risk of stranding. This section of Salmon is really common and an old classic. Bears rely on these fish for 90% of their food, and eat it once for a year. The wolves will also come to participate, with strong skills. Capelin, in order to improve the survival rate of his offspring, after being targeted by humpback whales, voluntarily jumped to the shore, lay eggs, and then died. After the humpback whales are surrounded, they emit high-frequency sound waves to make them gather more closely and eat more efficiently. Why does it sound like a high-dimensional hunt for a low-dimensional, and there is no resistance space. Trivia: It was the first time for Otter. I thought it would be difficult to do it underwater, but it was done with ease. Next, you shot the sea otter family. It was too difficult, two months. Several nests moved back and forth, very good at hiding, built a bunker for two weeks and didn't see anything, gave up going to other places to shoot, came back to dismantle the bunker, and found that Sea Otter used this as a warehouse, hahaha, keep the faith, and finally shoot arrive. Success~ Episode VII Human Responsibility Due to global warming, winters have become shorter, and polar bears have lost 20% of their weight in the past 30 years. Tigers in India almost went extinct in the 1970s. With the rapid population growth in various places, the habitat of wild animals has been drastically reduced, and human animal husbandry will also be attacked by wild animals. Human ability, but also human responsibility. In order to improve the survival rate of their offspring, after being targeted by humpback whales, they voluntarily jump to the shore, lay eggs, and then die. After the humpback whales are surrounded, they emit high-frequency sound waves to make them gather more closely and eat more efficiently. Why does it sound like a high-dimensional hunt for a low-dimensional, and there is no resistance space. Trivia: It was the first time for Otter. I thought it would be difficult to do it underwater, but it was done with ease. Next, you shot the sea otter family. It was too difficult, two months. Several nests moved back and forth, very good at hiding, built a bunker for two weeks and didn't see anything, gave up going to other places to shoot, came back to dismantle the bunker, and found that Sea Otter used this as a warehouse, hahaha, keep the faith, and finally shoot arrive. Success~ Episode VII Human Responsibility Due to global warming, winters have become shorter, and polar bears have lost 20% of their weight in the past 30 years. Tigers in India almost went extinct in the 1970s. With the rapid population growth in various places, the habitat of wild animals has been drastically reduced, and human animal husbandry will also be attacked by wild animals. Human ability, but also human responsibility. In order to improve the survival rate of their offspring, after being targeted by humpback whales, they voluntarily jump to the shore, lay eggs, and then die. After the humpback whales are surrounded, they emit high-frequency sound waves to make them gather more closely and eat more efficiently. Why does it sound like a high-dimensional hunt for a low-dimensional, and there is no resistance space. Trivia: It was the first time for Otter. I thought it would be difficult to do it underwater, but it was done with ease. Next, you shot the sea otter family. It was too difficult, two months. Several nests moved back and forth, very good at hiding, built a bunker for two weeks and didn't see anything, gave up going to other places to shoot, came back to dismantle the bunker, and found that Sea Otter used this as a warehouse, hahaha, keep the faith, and finally shoot arrive. Success~ Episode VII Human Responsibility Due to global warming, winters have become shorter, and polar bears have lost 20% of their weight in the past 30 years. Tigers in India almost went extinct in the 1970s. With the rapid population growth in various places, the habitat of wild animals has been drastically reduced, and human animal husbandry will also be attacked by wild animals. Human ability, but also human responsibility.

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