we are all jailbroken

Layne 2022-11-04 05:52:09

I think the most attractive part of "Prison Break" is that when the story unfolds slowly, before I know it, in my mind, I have become a character in the play. Faced with a predicament that may have no chance of breaking free, I Thinking, what should I do?

I have no experience of being in a cage, and of course I have no idea and practice of breaking out. But by the time the Prison Break story started, I was actually on a desperate road to escape from prison and run as fast as I could to get rid of it.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.