Prison Break Season 2 Episode 17

Issac 2022-11-03 13:43:21

Prison Break didn't watch an episode from season 1 to season 2. There are too many memorable scenes in the middle, let's talk about a scene in episode 17 that I just watched a few days ago. It was Fernando Sucre who traveled thousands of miles to find her girlfriend. When the two finally met, the scene was very touching. It is the power of love that has brought Fernando Sucre to this point.
Fernando Sucre stood by his belief that he knew that he could meet the person he loved the most, and that he believed that the person he loved would be waiting for him.
On the other hand, in today's Chinese society, how much love is so pure and unswerving? Under the bad social atmosphere, the divorce rate is getting higher and higher, real love is getting less and less, and people are talking more about material things.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.