A man, a man and two brothers are the bad guys

Viva 2022-11-22 18:44:07

It's much better than the first season... The encounters and changes of each character, I can't imagine what will happen in the next episode when I watch it. Season 1, even the opening prologue to Season 2, couldn't be more boring. I still like kellerman the most... The younger brother and elder brother sacrificed a lot of people for themselves and committed a lot of crimes. They are the typical negative examples. Ma Hong's final ending is embarrassing. Although he keeps killing prisoners who escaped prison for his own selfish interests, he is still humane. The first male finally said that for the sake of the brothers, he had to let TBag run away to blame himself and let him go back to prison. Is it just to comfort himself?

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.