then run away

Brittany 2022-10-12 02:05:59

The middle and later stages of this season are very exciting, and the sense of oppression is continuous and can't be stopped at all... Compared with the previous works, the big map mode can increase the interest of the story. Various cracks, encounters, vehicles, escapes and other elements are matched together, making people immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves. The external support group was renovated, Dad Mysterio devoted himself to the rescue, the opponent's position changed, the president and his younger brother received a lunch box, and the most important thing was the few guys who escaped. It is a pity that thieves and mental illness are linked. Sucret is more eye-catching. He has his own main line and can play with Schofield. This wave is not bad haha. Regarding the reversal, some aspects are slightly deliberate. For example, the male protagonist gives up his rationality and starts to act emotionally. The negative results brought by it are equivalent to releasing water, but it is still reasonable. If we go on further, we should find out the culprit behind the scenes.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.