About Prison Break 2 - Sad T-bag

Kristy 2022-10-10 10:36:05

When I saw the end of the last episode of the second season, the camera slowly opened with Michael's footsteps, and what caught my eye was the dim cell, the dirty and dirty walls, the assembled prisoners in twos and threes, and the female prisoners sticking to Michael's body to provoke Greedy eyes. Then, as Michael walked around the corner, the rain poured in the dark night outside the door. God, what kind of SONA prison is this? Compared to this, Fox river is like heaven. The ending of American dramas always gives people endless suspense. In the first season, the scene of five people rushing into the dark night may still make your memory fresh. Then, in this season, Michael suddenly went to jail and The more terrifying dangers around you will make you even more eagerly anticipating the third season's broadcast time on August 29th. Come on soon!
Let's talk about the characters in the second season.
First of all, I have to talk about our Mi Shuai. After watching so much, I'm still not a fan of his, but I have to admit that he really took the role of Michael exactly, plus his natural beauty, hehe, it's strange that it's not popular all over the world. In fact, I have always wondered why Mi Shuai in "Dinosaur Enemy Country" didn't make female fans want to scream. He is also the same person. The Mi Shuai in the prison escape is more confident and true, sharp and natural, and is similar to Michael in the play. Fit together properly. It seems that only a good TV series can make a good actor. Sometimes, gold doesn't shine anywhere, as you might think. In the second season, many people complained that Michael was not as confident, calm and decisive as before. In fact, Michael, who had escaped, lost his absolute leadership in prison, coupled with constant inner condemnation. The struggles and hesitations are easy to understand. However, everyone knows that it is impossible for him to look back, and he can only keep his faith and go all the way until the huge conspiracy behind this is revealed, so that all those who have died wrongly can be comforted. So, after seeing it, you will find that in the first season, the familiar Michael has come back slowly. His confrontation and struggle with T-bag, his elaborate design made the cunning FBI agent Mahon fall short in the end, In the end, they all became prisoners. And at the end, when Michael shot everything in SONA prison with his hands in his trouser pockets, you were worried but had to sigh: Michael, you are coming back!
Then there's the T-bag. Undoubtedly, in the second season, his image and character are more plump. As far as I am concerned, he is such a wicked villain, but I can't hate him at all, and I even have some pity in my heart. I think one of the most pathetic characters in the whole play is him, full of contradictory unity of evil and confusion. You won't forget his deep and deliberately long syllables, his fiery blurry eyes and his seductive smile when he flirts with other women. Not to mention that he ruthlessly cut off his newly healed left hand to escape the pursuit of the police - the scene of a bloody severed hand behind the radiator makes you breathless. However, the most difficult to let go of is the dark memory of T-bag's childhood. He had been avoiding it, hating his past, but in the end he returned to the place that brought him humiliation and sin. When T-bag's dad bragged to his friends how smart little Teddy was and could be president later, when little Teddy took his time and recited the word "damage" in the dictionary clearly, you might feel the holy light in heaven Sprinkle little by little on little Teddy's body. However, when his sinful father put his dirty hand on little Teddy's lap and closed the bedroom door, there was a bang and heaven collapsed. All those bright, warm, pure things are completely away from the T-bag, and the god of fate has ruthlessly forced him into the darkness leading to hell. The dilapidated dictionary hidden in the hole in the wall, at this moment, is being held by T-bag with his mutilated hand tremblingly, and those unbearable childhoods have given us such heart-wrenching pain! But in the play, no one knows about these pains, and everyone thinks that T-bag is heinous. Then, he can only continue to be evil, continue to struggle and be displaced in life, and repay this gift with more evil means. His society of endless humiliation and suffering. For such a person, the last bit of desire for home in the bottom of his heart was also drowned out by a little cruelty of reality. He was furious when he heard Susan tearfully say: "I can't. I'm sorry I can't" , and at the end the axe in his hand slumped to the ground, and the most unpleasant cry, the heart-wrenching cry of the worst villain. Alas, this is the greatest pain in the world. Completely desperate, having to go deep into the quagmire once again, the dark future that will never turn over, can it be worse than this?
Alas, just as bad, my mind couldn't move from T-bag to the other characters on the show. So, we can only let this article stop first and continue on another day.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.