escape from prison, escape from life

Domenic 2022-10-06 10:56:18

At the beginning of the second season, Michael said: "Prison break is just the beginning." At the time, I thought this sentence was just a suspense, a gimmick, and a successful and handsome line set up by the screenwriter. However, now, I completely agree with this sentence- The really colorful emotional experience is in the second season.
In addition to continuing the suspense, plans, accidents, psychological warfare, and resourcefulness of the first season, the truth of human nature and the truth of life in the second season makes me sigh.

When I saw Franklin sitting on the street with his sick daughter crying, repeating: "Dad I'm sorry for you"; when I saw Kacee secretly throwing her daughter's medicine into the trash before he was arrested; when I heard about the impending Sucre, who was rounded up by the police, said to Michael in the water: "Maybe I'm here to help you rescue your brother, leave me alone, go!"; when I saw Michael nearly collapsed because he stole a box of fishing rods from the store On the edge of love and law; when I saw Haywire insisting on going to the beautiful country of windmills, he said desperately on the grain elevator: "I just want to go!" Then he jumped off the overhead with longing, and he was still before his death. Paranoid looking at the "map" leading to the Netherlands; the perverted murderer T-bag, who called the police to rescue Susan and two children, he cried in the car, and he said goodbye not only to the only one he loved The woman who said goodbye to all hope of rebirth; and Daved, the kid who stole a baseball card and was imprisoned for five years, before dying to tell the girl who had a one-night stand: "I'll write to you, I'm looking forward to you I will reply.” Everyone’s helplessness, everyone’s frustration, everyone’s joys, sorrows, and everyone’s life are all so real. This is what they didn't let us see in the first season of prison.

However, escape from prison and escape from life. All are the same. Michael's prison is his obsession to save his brother, Linc's prison is freedom, Sucre's is love, Franklin's is family, Jhon's is revenge, and T-bag, using terror to keep warmth... Those were originally in FOX Why aren't people outside RIVER in prison? Alex ended the life of the fugitive Oscar Shales with a bullet, but began a life imprisonment; Kallerman spent half his life loyal to the president, maybe from the moment he fell in love with her, he was already in the cage of fate. And those politicians, flies and dogs, their hands are stained with the blood of innocents, their souls have been imprisoned by the shackles of power. Who of them escaped? The people in the play use each other to restrain each other for the sake of profit. The web of desire entangles everyone, and they cannot get the freedom they want. This net is the biggest prison, sweeping everyone in one net, without end.

Sara, I love this character and if I were her I think I'd pray for the rest of my life not to meet such a charming prisoner. If fate comes again, I still meet, even if there is only a vague hope of happiness, I will go with him without hesitation.

I was hooked on the show by the end of the first season, but I didn't watch the second season right away for fear of seeing a shoddy follow-up. Later, I browsed the comments about the second season on the Internet. The article talked about the ratings, the scenes of the TV series, etc. The reviewers expressed euphemistic regret and disappointment, so I gave up the show. But now I'm lucky to be back on the show.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.