Redemption Family

Madisen 2022-09-05 17:15:21

Michael left.

The second half of this episode can be described as pleasing to the eye, the white Christina Rose, the blue sea and the clear sky, the wings of freedom have been spread.

However, Michael left. Because T-bag is here, he can't ignore it, he said, every time T-bag kills a person, blood will be on their hands.

That's the choice. As Sara chose to lie and protect Michael with her arrest. It's still belief, an expression of belief, which may be love, or it may be to protect the lives of others, even though those lives may not be directly related to one's own.

This is also the limit. Franklin and Mahone protect their families, the kind of determination to defend is moving, and it is perhaps more admirable to be willing to take risks for unrelated people - at least I am.

Life is made up of many choices and abandonments, and behind every choice and abandonment, there is a reason for it. When Franklin looked back at the prison with complicated eyes, maybe, thinking of the experience of being born and dying, let him be filled with emotion.

Michael, with such a strong sense of responsibility, it may be hard to be happy. But how can happiness be judged by others? He does what he wants to do, and for Nian Nian, it should also be a kind of happiness for him.

Family. This word, Franklin, Mahone, Scrue have all said, for them, this is the most important. And Michael is in a dilemma between Lincoln and Sara. Even if it is T-bag, find someone to make up Susan and create a dream, because Susan is new to him. Yes, of course, Family is the most important thing, so no matter how busy I am, as long as Dabao Erbao comes to me, I will put down what I am doing and talk to them; so, I come back and look for my life - not half, yes all.

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Manhunt quotes

  • Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell: I ain't nobody.

  • Fernando Sucre: [Michael has just provided the escapees with civilian clothes] This jacket ain't exactly the best thing you know?

    Michael Scofield: You want variety? Hit Target.