A movie that can get what you want

Glen 2022-04-19 09:03:05

I don't know if Kim Jong Un's coming to power has made South Korea more fearful. Recently, two South Korean movies have appeared in which loyal spy comrades forced by the change of the North Korean government have to defect. One is [Berlin], and the other This is it. Hong Kong translates the name of the film as "Three Special Attacked Beautiful Boys", but it highlights the selling point of the film, that is, handsome guys of various styles. Many people can see what they want to see from this movie. In addition to the fans of the leading actors who can see the beauty of their beloved actors, those who have a tendency to be rotten can also see the more obvious basic feelings among them. The various tragic conditions of the Korean people under the rule of a corrupt and depraved capitalist state. Those of you who like to bash dictatorships can find all kinds of blood and tears in it, and it proves once again how important it is to find a good employer. All in all, this movie gives you a variety of options, and it's well worth spending two hours watching.
The film begins with a gloomy and deep tone, but it fits the atmosphere of a spy film, but then it takes a sharp turn. The protagonist is "reduced" from an elite of North Korean soldiers to a fool in an ordinary small village in South Korea, and even saves 400 yuan for his own efforts. More than ten thousand won complacent. I don't know if it's for comparison with the passages in North Korea and later, but the overall warm tone here is also the part where the audience can laugh. Next, as officials related to South Korea's North Korea policy meet to discuss the ongoing removal of North Korean escapees, the film begins to take on some ominous air, culminating when the protagonists receive orders to commit suicide. The next step is to enter the tragic "I can die, but I want a statement - the country wants you to die, you have to die and you dare to bargain - I just want to know if my relatives can live well, not bargaining - all Let you die, can you keep them?” This decryption process is accompanied by various fights and car chases, but the overall fight scene lacks credibility, and the post-processing effects on the rooftop are too heavy, which also makes people a bit dramatic. In addition, the name Secret and Great is about to highlight the difficulty and importance of espionage, but the film does not reflect this intention. I don’t know if it’s a translation problem or a film director’s problem. In this way, [Three Special Attacked Beautiful Boys] reflects part of the theme of the film and is more attractive.
But this is a good spy movie, at least it is worth learning from the creators of [XX Picture].

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