Conservative pain and last passion

Alta 2021-12-16 08:01:02

The political correctness is overwhelming, and the director who is known for his shocking and horrifying has to converge, his expressions are expressive and tortuous, the needles are hidden in the cotton, and the words are stopped, causing many audiences to fail to understand this masterpiece.

Danish education emphasizes equality and tolerance between teachers and students. Standing on the stage does not mean that you are an authority. Martin, the history teacher played by Uncle Mai, has a deep understanding of this: the students were dissatisfied with his teaching content and left immediately. Martin asked his wife: Have I become boring?

The school organizes students (sitting on the desk) to have a conversation with Martin, and a girl is confused about Martin's "Easter Crisis".

The Easter crisis refers to the fact that in 1920, King Christian X of Denmark, on the advice of conservatives, did not fully accept the results of the referendum on the ownership of the territory, forcing the Danish Prime Minister to resign, which was met with strong public backlash and triggered a very famous constitutional government in Danish history. crisis. Subject to political correctness, the film is not expanded in detail, but it can confuse the students because of Martin's deviant interpretation of the crisis.

Seeing this, the audience should understand that the freedom of speech of European and American liberals suppresses and excludes the freedom of speech of conservatives. Only free arson is allowed, and traditional lights are not allowed!

Martin is facing a crisis of dismissal of get out of class, and marriage seems to have come to an end.

He, who didn't drink, was urged by his colleagues and friends to get rid of his sorrows: I don't know how to fall to the way it is now. I'm very sorry.

Friends want to cheer him up: But, Martin, you were still a man in school 12 years ago, and you are fighting for a research position. Everyone is talking about you.

Yes, your research funding and PhD are ready, have you applied? No, my child was still young...

No matter what the child is still young, it's hard to talk about it.

This flashing detail, like the previous Easter crisis, is the key to understanding the entire film:

Liberal academic freedom is the freedom to support progressivism, pluralism, and post-colonialism, not freedom that is anti-political correct——

Because of the insistence on the differences in IQ between races, politics is seriously incorrect, and Watson, the "father of DNA", a scientific hero who has made great contributions to mankind (the only most significant discovery in the history of biology comparable to Darwin's theory of evolution), was deprived of honor Title, a history teacher in a mere way, so true!

Discovering that he can open his heart freely after drinking, Martin drank secretly before class. He and three friends started an alcohol project: Four teachers recorded the effects of drinking on lectures and social interactions, and then made an overall assessment.

Martin proposed three candidates for the students to vote: 1. Physically paralyzed, suffering from a series of serious diseases such as high blood pressure and anemia, lying, marital derailment, alcoholism; 2. Obesity, suffering from depression, two heart diseases You must drink a lot of alcohol to fall asleep when you have an illness; 3. A war hero, respect women, do not smoke or drink alcohol, and love small animals.

The students voted for the third candidate, but they missed Roosevelt and Churchill and chose Hitler.

Martin intends to illustrate the complexity of human nature and history: this world has never been what you expected. Very exciting, the classroom effect is excellent.

However, the negative effects of alcohol soon appeared. Bedwetting, drunkenness on the street, messing up meetings, emptiness and disillusionment after the orgasm, made Martin’s best friend Tommy pay the price of his life:

The Drunken Dance at the end of the film highly summarizes the state of human existence: both tenacious and full of tragedy.

When it comes to dancing, Uncle Mai is a professional. In the 1980s, he studied under the American dance master Martha Graham, the "mother of modern dance", and has a solid foundation in dance.

Zuiwu bluntly vented the pain and passion of the conservatives. In this politically correct world, it's better to stay awake than a whale to suck all the rivers——

Persuade you to have a glass of wine, and sell the eternal sorrows with you!

You are on the battlefield, like an immortal hero
Forever to the sky in another world,
Become a broken paper kite in the end:
But don’t blame this fate,
You surpassed them, they can no longer
To maintain your upward, your distance.

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Another Round quotes

  • Martin: So, when you run around totally wasted, throwing up in bushes and alleys, don't feel alone, because you're in great company.

  • Martin: Josse, there's an election with three candidates, so who do you vote for? No. 1: He is partially paralyzed from polio. He has hypertension. He's anemic and suffers from an array of serious illnesses. He lies if it suits his purpose and consults astrologists on his politics. He cheats on his wife, chain-smokes, and drinks too many martinis. No. 2: He's overweight, and he's already lost three elections. He suffers from depression and has had two heart attacks. He's impossible to work with and smokes cigars non-stop. And every night when he goes to bed, he drinks incredible amounts of champagne, cognac, port, whiskey, and adds two sleeping pills before dozing off. The last one, No. 3: He's a highly decorated war hero. He treats women with respect. He loves animals, never smokes, and only has a beer on rare occasions. Josse, who do you vote for? Josse: The last one. Martin: The last one, No. 3? And the rest of you? Students: Yes, No. 3. Martin: Oh boy! You just discarded Franklin D. Roosevelt... Winston L. Churchill... and thankfully you elected this guy.

    [reveals a photo of Adolf Hitler]

    Martin: Students: Hitler? Martin: Focus! It's funny, but there's a point to this, which is important and which I hope you'll understand someday: the world is never as you expect.