I thought it was an astronomy documentary, but it turned out to be a philosophy film. The professor was so handsome and delicious. Love this quote "We are compelled to travel into the future. Permanent change is a fundamental part of what it means to be human."
Compared with the time of 13.7 billion years, our life is so fleeting, so, live happily, don’t waste time on gossip, relationships, gains and losses, the world has great beauty, read more, see more, learn more, life should be spend in pursuit of good things.
Movie Notes
EP01 Destiny
The universe originated 13.7 billion years ago. There are 13 towers built in Changjiro, Peru, which are tools used by ancient civilizations to record the solar calendar. The sun will rise from different towers at different times, and the date can be known, which proves the infinite obsession of human beings with the time of heaven and earth.
Nothing lasts forever.
The Moreno Glacier, in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina, sheds 250 million metric tons of ice each year from the glacier's surface into the lake. The movements of the glacier provide an insight into the nature of time. It is simply the ordering of events into sequences. One step after another. Events always happen in the same order. We are compelled to travel into the future. Permanent change is a fundamental part of what it means to be human.
Red Spot Leo, a death of a star, known as GRB 090423. When the giant star collapses, it collapses, causing a large amount of light and stellar matter to be ejected from the magnetic poles. The light emitted in the explosion is one trillion times that of the sun. The red spot is The afterglow of that big bang, the oldest object we've ever observed. When we look up into the sky at distant stars and galaxies, then we are looking back in time because the light takes time to journey from them to us.
The birth of the first star is one of the most important changes in the evolution of the universe, marking the end of the "Primordial Era" and the beginning of the second important period of the universe, which is the period we live in today. The Stelliferous Era"—the age of the stars.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics refers to the new concept "entropy" entropy. It does not change the structure, does not change the ordered state, and there are few ways of rearrangement. Entropy is always increasing because of an irresistible possibility. Using the principle of increasing entropy, the second law of thermodynamics explains why time has one direction, and everything goes from order to disorder. The Second Law says that everything tends from order to disorder. That means that there is a difference between the past and future. In the past, the universe was more ordered. In the future, the universe will be less ordered. And that means there's a direction to the passage of time. (That is, Laozi said: All things in the world are born from existence, and existence is born from non-existence.)
The end-of-life process of the sun: After burning out, the core will collapse, and the resulting extra heat will cause the outer layer to expand, and the sun will become extremely huge and become a red giant. This is the final stage of the sun's life. It would explode, throw a huge amount of gas and dust into space, and the Sun would turn into a white dwarf. The white dwarf has no energy to burn, the faint glow comes from the last heat of the extinguished melting pot, and the sun will perish. The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars. One day, they must all eventually die and the cosmos will be plunged into eternal night.
The universe will eventually die out gradually. First of all, the era of stars will come to an end. The largest stars will die first, and they will collapse violently and become black holes. After they die, there is a kind of star that can survive.
Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the solar system. It is 4.2 light-years away. It is a red dwarf star. Because of its small size and low gravity, nuclear fuel burns very slowly. This type of star will be the last remaining star in the universe. The last remaining star will become a black dwarf, a dark, densely dissipated sphere of degenerate matter, only slightly larger than stardust and 1 million times denser than the sun. There is currently no black dwarf in the universe. dwarf star. After black dwarf stars disappear, the universe will be left with only particles of light and black holes. Eventually the entropy value reaches the maximum, all matter reaches thermal equilibrium, and the universe reaches a state of heat death, the Heat Death of the Universe
The Skeleton Coast in Namibia, one of the most desolate places on earth, was called the Gates of Hell by 17th-century Portuguese sailors.
Humans have walked the earth for just the smallest fraction of that briefest of moments in deep time.
EP02 Stardust
Hinduism teaches that all things must be destroyed before they can be reborn. Nepal Passu Patti Temple, Hinduism believes that the material basis of the human body will return to the world, so that it can enter the next life cycle.
The main composition of the Himalayas is limestone, the main component of which comes from biological corpses. Most of the rocks in the Himalayas are formed on the ocean floor.
Every atom in my body was once part of something else.
Every atom in my body once belonged to something else, and chemical elements make up the building blocks of everything on Earth. Chemical elements are too reactive to exist alone, and these elements contribute to the diversity of species on Earth, including humans. Everything on Earth is made up of 92 chemical elements, and the universe is also made up of them. Different elements have different flame reactions. Strontium is magenta, sodium is yellow, potassium is lavender, and copper is blue.
Each element of the sun not only emits a fixed light, but also absorbs a fixed light, and the specific composition of matter can be known by analyzing the spectrum.
At the beginning of the universe, the temperature was very high, and it was extremely chaotic and dense. At that time, there was no structure or matter, and it was symmetrical from any angle. When the universe cools, basic structures are formed, the most important of which is the billionth of a second after the big bang, when the most important characteristic symmetry of the universe is broken. This is called electroweak symmetry breaking. symmetry breaking. For the first time, subatomic particles have absorbed massive amounts of matter, among them quarks. As the universe continues to cool, quarks combine to form larger and more complex structures, protons and neutrons, which join forces to form atomic nuclei, which in turn are the building blocks of elements. Protons and neutrons form the core of an atom, the nucleus.
Just a few seconds after the beginning of the universe, the fundamental building blocks of everything had been created.
The element with only one proton proton is hydrogen, and when two protons are combined, one of them becomes a neutron neutron, which is called a tritium deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). The number of protons determines the type of element. A new element is formed only when two nuclei of tritium combine. Two tritiums combine to give a nucleus with two protons and two neutrons, and that's helium, the second-simplest element. This can continue to create uranium, the heaviest element in the universe. This process of building matter is called nuclear fusion. This process is difficult to achieve, and the elements are only reassembled in stars such as the sun. It's the only place in the universe that's not only hot and dense enough, but also dense enough for atoms to fuse. The core of the sun is 15 million degrees, and it can fuse hydrogen into helium at a high rate, burning 600 million tons of hydrogen every second to release a lot of heat and light.
Carbon comes from stars. In order for us to live, a star must die. Only in the death stage of stars can there be high temperatures that create heavy elements. New elements are formed in the core of the star in the process of dying. The first stage is carried out while there is still hydrogen for the star to burn. The hydrogen is burned to form helium, which releases a lot of heat to form an external pressure to compete with gravity. At the same time, it will support the star to maintain It is stable. When the hydrogen is burned out, the nuclear fusion stops, and the inner core rapidly disintegrates leaving an empty shell composed of hydrogen and helium. The temperature rises again, and when it reaches 100 million degrees, it enters the second stage, and the helium nuclei begin to fuse and release more energy. The interrupted core disintegrates, forming two new elements carbon and oxygen that are very important to life. This explains where the carbon in the universe comes from. After the helium element is exhausted, the helium fusion ends, the inner core continues to disintegrate, and the temperature rises into the third stage. Carbon fuses into magnesium, neon, sodium, and aluminum, and the nuclear transformation continues. After the inner core disintegrates, the next stage of nuclear transformation produces more elements. Each stage is hotter and shorter than the last, and the final stage lasts only a few days, and the core is almost completely transformed into Fe. When fused into solid iron, the star has only a few seconds left to live. The centripetal explosion of stars only forms the first 26 elements.
All the gold unearthed in human history can only fill three Olympic-sized swimming pools, and the rarity of gold makes it invaluable. There are more than 60 elements in the universe that are heavier than iron, some of which are valuable, such as gold, silver, and platinum; some are important to life, such as copper and zinc; some are very useful, such as uranium, tin, and lead, but they all account for the overall proportion The reason it is small and rare is that to create large amounts of heavy metal elements requires some rare conditions in the universe that only exist in the moments before the death of the largest stars, which are at least nine times larger than the sun to reach extreme temperatures (100 billion). degrees, and can only last for 15 seconds) to produce a large amount of heavy metal elements, known as supernova, the most powerful explosion in the universe. New stars being born from the remains of dead ones. The first amino acids on Earth - the most basic building blocks of life - may have formed deep in the universe and been transported to Earth by meteorites.
EP03 Falling Gravity
Newton was the first to consider the problem of gravity, and proposed that there is gravity between all objects. Gravity is a force of attraction between all objects. The mass of the earth enables it to generate gravity. Gravity is the weakest natural force in the world, but it is extremely powerful in the universe. Gravity is an additive force, which is proportional to its mass. The greater the mass of the planet, the stronger the gravitational force. The strongest gravitational force is the sun, which is 28 times stronger than the Earth's surface.
The birthplace of the Chaco civilization in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, USA, on July 4, 1054, a supernova appeared. The Chaco people recorded with murals, and the Crab Nebula can be observed, which is the remains of the star after the explosion. Dead ancient stars. The core produces a neutron star, only 20 kilometers wide but about the mass of the Sun, spinning at a frequency of more than 30 times per second, or about 1,800 revolutions per minute. When the neutron star rotates, the proton ejecta rushes out from the poles at nearly the speed of light to form a beam, and when it sweeps across the earth, it emits a regular frequency sound, which is called pulsar pulsars. The gravitational force on Crab Pulsars is trillions of times that on Earth.
Everything in the universe is composed of atoms. Atoms include the nucleus and the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. The weight is concentrated in the nucleus, but its volume is small. So that means that matter is almost entirely empty space. So if everything in the universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are 99.9999% empty space, then most of the universe is empty.
In a sense, gravity isn't really a force at all.
General relativity, published in 1915, can explain any phenomenon related to gravity, and most importantly, how gravity acts on everything. The matter that makes up the universe itself warps space. Everything moves in a straight line in warped spacetime. The trajectories of planets we see are the orbits of planets in spacetime distorted by extremely massive stars.
So one way to think about gravity is that everything in the universe is just falling through space-time.
So you can think of gravity like this, everything in the universe falls into spacetime.
General relativity predicts the existence of black holes, which are so dense that they can deeply distort and stretch the fabric of spacetime causing time to stand still, and can swallow light. Black holes can be smaller than atoms, but billions of times more massive than the sun
EP04 Messengers Messengers
Egyptian sun god Amun Ra
Solstice means "the sun stands still" in Latin and falls on the winter solstice on December 21.
There are 200 billion stars in the Bank System, and there are a billion times as many stars in the universe as the Milky Way. The speed of sound varies with altitude. It is about 1200 kilometers per hour (about 340 meters per second) or Mach I. The air at high altitude is thinner, the temperature is lower, and the speed of sound is slower. Sound waves can't leave the flight path, so they compress in front of the plane, and a sonic boom is heard as they break through the speed of sound.
The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, and light can travel 10 trillion kilometers in one year. This is the basic unit by which we measure the universe. One light year is about ten trillion kilometers. The speed of light is the speed limit of all things in the universe, and it is the basic property of space-time. It can not only measure distance, but also time.
The further away an object is, the further back in time we see it.
The sun is 150 million kilometers away from the earth, and the sunlight we see actually comes from the sun eight minutes ago. A 2004 Hubble image called the Hubble Ultra Deep Space captured the most distant galaxies from Earth, the most distant one being 13 billion light-years away.
Different colors are essentially different wavelengths of light, with blue being the shortest wavelength, followed by green and yellow, all the way to red, with the longest wavelength being red. A star's light is made up of a mixture of countless wavelengths of light. The wavelengths of visible light make up only a tiny fraction of all light waves. Heat is also a form of light, and is actually a form of infrared light, which has longer wavelengths than visible light. As the universe expands, light waves are stretched and deformed into broadcast radio waves and microwaves, which are called the cosmic microwave background radiation, or CMB. The first stars were born 200 million years after the Big Bang.
Trilobites were among the first organisms to use light. There is a bold theory that the appearance of eyes is what led to the explosion of life in the Cambrian period. Pikachus, chordates, may be our earliest ancestors, and they may have primitive photoreceptor cells.
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