Full of beauty, but the plot is very loose, the characters are very shallow.

Darion 2022-04-22 07:01:54

I watched it with great expectations, and I felt disappointed in many places. The heaviness of photography is really hard to pick. It is too comfortable. Other shortcomings are also quite obvious. It should also be related to the deletion. In terms of the overall plot, it is quite tense to take out many small paragraphs alone, but together you can see the whole , the plot is quite messy and scattered, I feel quite unimportant after reading it (this kind of plot without a plot is really difficult to shoot), I feel that the north and south sides of the strait, in addition to the visual contrast impact, the internal interweaving relationship has not played much. emotional mobilization. The imagery of the white horse and the drama is also used a little more casually. In terms of characters, the promotion of the film is from a personal point of view, but the portrayal of the protagonist is really sloppy, four days and nights, over and over again, after the fight is over, there are a few paragraphs of dialogue, and then the fight. Just telling the audience to be greedy for life and fear of death, to make plans, to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, these characteristics cannot create a complete person. The abacus will plan the plan, but it is not only the abacus who will plan the plan. Dunkirk doesn't make a fuss about the characters' personalities, because the protagonists of the film are everyone in the war, that is, soldiers, and Nolan uses soldiers to bring the audience into the war. But on the other hand, Yaobai doesn't seem to want to summarize the warriors in a high degree, but the characterization of the individual is not deep enough. I think what really moved the audience was not the well-knit plot effects or the vivid and in-depth character descriptions, but the bloody and cruel real war shown in every paragraph, and the enthusiastic cry of the 800 heroes for the motherland. Domestically, it is regarded as an excellent commercial film with a relatively high degree of completion.

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