Zhou Huaian, always there

Lavonne 2022-04-19 09:02:56

A few days ago, I organized a group to see the Xinlongmen Inn. In the small theater, in addition to the three restless little girls, there were sporadic uncles and grandpas. . . They should all be the die-hards of Master Xu. Sure enough, we are all big and agile. Nostalgia is a collective act, although those people and events refer to growing up, very personal memories and feelings, but this movie is the intersection of what we have experienced together, so watching a movie becomes an extremely exciting thing, you keep going We saw the people we had met appear one after another, and they overlapped with our memories, but they were still alive and steaming. We shouted and laughed like no one else, excited to see the new details and meanings, our mouths and eyes were not enough together. Haha, we meet again, Tsui Hark, and the strong and distant Jianghu when I was a teenager.

We were all too young to experience that magical and glorious age of martial arts in theaters, but those movies still hold a lot of weight in my heart. When Zhou Huai'an walked slowly out of the yellow sand in the sky, Jin Xiangyu sang white candles, white and red candles on the roof, Qiu Moyan smiled clear in the dim corridor, and many beautiful and powerful things were bubbling and bubbling. That was a lot of bright color collections from my childhood. And beauty never fades, no matter whether I love my uncle or control Zhengtai, Zhou Huai'an will always be there, his style is outstanding, and his style is still the same.

At that time, all the films had a dramatic tone. Everyone's lines and actions were neat and open, and even their eyes were ten percent. It looked very enjoyable, including those too bright colors. , The saturated and segmented pictures are all fun to the point of willfulness, which makes people worry that it will be too exaggerated if they are exaggerated. Movies now seem to be more and more dull, Bonnie said that there is no G-spot climax missing, those dreams and passions are all gone. Hey, I saw Donnie Yen and Tony Leung Ka Fai flying in the yellow sand, I really wanted to scream in the sky, this TMD is called a fight, it is beautiful, sharp and elegant, and it is full of all kinds of heroic feelings in the desert and yellow sand. , there is wood there! ! !

The willows are budding again, a fluffy piece of smoke covered with green mist. If there is color in the movie, Tsui Hark in the 1990s is a smeared red, overwhelming the sky and no scruples. No matter the years, it is still bright as drippings and dreamlike. In this way, next year's Green Snake re-screening must also be seen.

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