Linghu Chong is a free and easy person. When his sister's beloved horse was split into two, he could also burn grass as a gift; the wine jug was about to fall off a cliff, and he had to fish it at his own risk; Flirting; with the juniors and brothers, singing around the fire, picking swords and roasting meat.
What a joy it would be if there were no women.
Don't ask about the rivers and lakes, don't peep at love, never thought of having offspring, only wish to be drunk and debauched, the rivers and lakes have no self, is his dream life in Niubei Mountain. It's a pity that he couldn't reach Niubei Mountain in the end.
Complaining only complains about women being affectionate.
Before his success, Dongfang was undefeated, his methods were ruthless, and he killed people like hemp. He took the place of Ren Wuxing in an instant, climbed to the high position of the leader, and fought every step of the way. Even when the Zuo envoy had to say, "Strength is king." What a ruthless character, seeing He is so tall.
It happens that the rivers and lakes smile, meet Linghu Chong, drink wine in the water, and meet opponents. The undefeated Dongfang, who is unparalleled in martial arts, also has a moment when he is well cared for, although it is a moment for a lifetime. In an instant, all the silver needles were withdrawn. I will laugh at you, a lucky person, looking forward and backward, junior brother and junior sister Ren Yingying, the rivers and lakes are tied to you. How can I love and hate freely, regardless of the blood gushing out like spring water, just kill him crazy, and it won't hurt you in the slightest. Even if I fall into the cliff, I will laugh up to the sky and push back the one I love quietly. Compared with my love, life and death are as insignificant as dust.
I just want you to remember me.
How could I forget you.
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