Record some interesting ideas

Alexandria 2022-12-08 22:19:07

After watching the dialogue between Ali and Ru three times, some points are really interesting. "The very fact that you start destroying your life after exposure to drugs is an addiction. It's a disease that no one in the world thinks you're sick except for the pain of addiction. Instead, they think you're selfish, weak, Callous." "The punishment for doing something wrong is to judge yourself unforgivable, which is too deep and too cheap. That way you can continue to do whatever you want without repentance, because you think you deserve it." "Real The revolution lies in the reconstruction of the spiritual level", "believing that the supreme power beyond the self will bring us back to the right path". Why is it that only by believing in a being stronger than yourself can you get out of the quagmire? Is it because virtual gods are perfect, relatively immutable, and better understood? "Believe in a force stronger than yourself, not the ocean or songs, not sports, humans or language, you have to believe in poetry", this sounds really romantic, but isn't poetry also a language category? That said, believing in the ocean and believing in nature is the greater force. "When my dad died, a lot of people used to say that his death was justified, and that kind of thing made me angry. But I think what they were trying to say was, you have to give it a reason, you have to find a reason for this shit. That's why I don't get stuck in this emotion forever." "Some people think I'm a good person and it's the motivation for me to keep trying to get better."

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Extended Reading

Trouble Don't Last Always quotes

  • Rue Bennett: Yeah. Mm-hmm. And, like, finding an emotional balance, you know?

    Ali: You just said you found an amazing balance.

    Rue Bennett: I... I did. I have. I... I mean, but I'm not perfect, you know, so... I'm, I'm sane, though. Like, I'm sane. Saner. I'm making sane decisions.

    Ali: Rue. You're high.

    Rue Bennett: [chuckles] I feel like you're not listening to what I'm saying.

    Ali: Rue, I don't think you're listening to what you're saying.

    Rue Bennett: I feel like that's physically impossible.

    Ali: To what? Talk some bullshit?

    Rue Bennett: [Rue scoffs] Huh. You know, that's what, like... I... I don't understand about the world. 'Cause, like, there is tons of people who, you know, drink and do drugs, and sometimes their life is good. And sometimes, life's just bad, you know? It's fucking life. There's ups and downs to this shit, but, I mean, whether you believe me or not, I'm, like, I'm good.

    Ali: Yeah, yeah, you said that.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, I mean, it's not like I'm doing a bunch of shit. I'm just smoking a little bit of weed, and taking some pills that were prescribed to me.

    Ali: My point is, it's not gonna last.

    Rue Bennett: Yeah, well, neither do my moods when I'm sober.

    Ali: Okay, well, you know, I'm not saying you're, um, a paragon of mental health. You've got your issues, and you're gonna be struggling with those issues for the rest of your life. That's a fact. The problem is, is that you look at sobriety as a weakness in the face of those issues, and what I'm saying is, sobriety is your greatest weapon.

  • Ali: Uh, Rue, I'm not a guidance counselor. I'm just a crackhead who's trying to do a little good on this Earth before I die.

    [both laugh]

    Rue Bennett: Uh, you're, you're a trip, man.