take me to france

Rosalia 2022-04-19 09:02:58

Pure, real, ethereal.

It makes me want to just speak sticky feces today, without any citations to fill my lack of writing skills.

This is a story of an educated youth reading to a village woman. When I was a sophomore in high school, I picked up a random book on the shelf at the back of the classroom and quickly finished reading Notre Dame de Paris. And only today did I re-follow the protagonists and actually "read" the passages written by Hugo. Because in this movie, the educated youths really hold books and read word by word to the illiterate little tailor.

I sat in my bedroom, came to the village of the Three Gorges through movies, and through the words of the educated youth, came to France. I think just as Wang Xiaobo asked us to read more novels, it is possible that this speed is the speed of reading. If it is too fast, the nutrients will not penetrate in time.

I rarely talk about the feeling of watching a movie on social platforms, because sometimes watching a movie doesn't give people the feeling that they can tell, and blindly imitating other people's feelings is as awkward and boring as piling up uncommon words in writing.

A slow-paced, obscure movie isn't necessarily a good movie, and similarly, a fast-paced and straightforward movie isn't necessarily a bad movie. When watching movies and reading books, we can't refuse, we can't be afraid of bad things.

This film can be used as a promotional film for World Book Day: an illiterate girl in the deep mountains, through listening to books, has her own thoughts, and goes to a larger world. After disappearing from the audience's vision, she becomes mysterious and infinite. possible.

So, when you don't know anything, you can go to Balzac, Flaubert, Dostoevsky, because at the end of the film: "It was Balzac who changed me."

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