collective sense of security

Austin 2022-04-20 09:02:46

Too scattered, and many places are too long, such as the Chinese class at the beginning of the school.

The music is a bit too much...

Reminds me of running gymnastics in high school, requiring consistent pace and loud slogans. Euphemistically called - exercise, release stress. In fact, when I was most stressed, it was running exercises, because I couldn’t keep up with the collective tune, I was criticized again and again by DNB, and I was pulled out to run alone; Feeling: "You can't watch the steps of the person in front of you! Wrong again! Wrong again! You are blind!" When I catch up with the collective tone, ah, I finally have a sense of security. Yes, when the individual succumbs to the collective, and is spurred from the black sheep to the trend of step by step, there is a sense of security inexplicably. The so-called catharsis becomes stress, stress breeds numbness, and numbness breeds unconsciousness. Then I am a program with fixed walking and running postures, living in a collective unconscious world.

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