heavy subject, deep subject

Cara 2022-04-23 07:05:17

World War II is not far away from us. If we do not reflect, if we do not have a strong and just force to stop the war, and if we do not have a clear mind, human disasters are likely to come again. You can't put all the blame on Hitler, the generals and soldiers who followed blindly first, and those who pulled the trigger on the Jews, are all equally guilty. Why did everyone enter a state of fanaticism, not treating the lives of the Jews as life, killing them? Getting rid of them is like getting rid of cockroaches on the floor. On one side is the starvation, filth, disease and death of the concentration camps, on the other side is the bright lights, clean and tidy clothes, red face, elegant demeanor, feasting, talking and laughing, this world is too sad. Is this the proper order? Food for thought!

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Persian Lessons quotes

  • Gilles: [about his daily fourty words in 'Farsi'] Inventing them is not a problem but to remember them all, it's impossible. And there will always be more. Many more.

  • Klaus Koch: [Koch took Gilles back after he was put to move to another camp] You would risk your life for those nameless people.

    Gilles: Those aren't nameless. Just because you don't know their names. At least they aren't murderers.

    Klaus Koch: I'm not a murderer.

    Gilles: No. You just make sure that the murderers eat well.